P. 19


                   Innovation and Opportunity in Medical Design

          Designing  for medical                          Delayed procedures and   and planning will allow the better health-
         care in the not-so-distant                     a wary public caused      care providers to survive, prosper and
         future is one question. And                    extraordinary     losses.  grow.
         how medical providers will                     Therefore, the healthcare   Success in healthcare will be measured;
         afford to pay for it takes on                  system needs to transform   identifying what to track, preparing com-
         an even more critical mean-                    itself financially as the   plete analytics and reporting, analyzing
         ing at this point in time.                     trends in lower volumes are   the information, and finally and most
          We have survived an                           anticipated to continue.   importantly, turning that information into
         extraordinary year and a                       Virtual visits generate less   actionable insight.
         half, successfully adapting,                   revenue, but require greater   It is for that reason there will continue
         coping, and dealing with                       IT costs, in addition to all   to be capital growth and expenditures in
         uncertainty and separation.                    other facility, equipment   facilities; why building and spaces will be
         Medical focus on the         BY CHARLES        and supply chain issues   designed and constructed, and spaces
         COVID-19 pandemic mod-       MICHELSON         that make up the capital   modified for new equipment or approach-
         ified how we provide our                       improvement financial pie.   es to treatment.
         nation’s medical services                        Future capital expendi-   Knowledge without action is stagnation;
         and changed the medical temperament of   ture will trend toward technology invest-  information is for improvement, impact
         the public.                         ments, as a means of moving toward   and leadership.
          Generational distinctions concerning   organizational goals and alternate care   Credibility, trust and confidence in the
         technology were never more apparent   models achievable only with a robust   healthcare system will come through con-
         than during the pandemic; however, our   technology format.              tact and human response to a client’s med-
         technological baptism under fire pushed   Core technology should create effi-  ical needs. Our compassion and humanity
         everyone along the technology path. It   ciency that helps cut costs through a bet-  must always be at the forefront of these
         has been a successful and transitional   ter distribution of information seamless-  interactions. But technology is the tool
         change.                             ly through a healthcare system on behalf   which will enable us to better connect
          One of the most important lessons   of any given client.                with those we treat within our medical
         learned by virtue of the pandemic was   Planning makes things better, but the   facilities.
         the financial uncertainty of the entire   acceleration of change has demanded the
         healthcare sector. The pandemic demon-  critical need for strategic planning; organi-  Charles Michelson is President of Saltz
         strated that our medical system is finan-  zational decision-making will boost future   Michelson Architects. For more information,
         cially vulnerable.                  business growth. Resiliency, adaptability        visit

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        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                           December 2021                          19
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