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                   Michelle and Michael Hagerty Gift $8.5 Million to Boca Regional’s

                                           Keeping the Promise Capital Campaign

          Boca Raton residents and philanthro-                                    and Michael                         growth and expansion. The campus rede-
        pists Michelle and Michael Hagerty have                                    Hagerty Center for Graduate Medical   velopment plans include at the center-
        made their third seven-figure gift to                                     Education. Previously, the couple made a   piece, the new Gloria Drummond Patient
        Keeping the Promise … The Campaign for                                    $2.5 million gift with recognition at the   Tower where patients will be welcomed in
        Boca Raton Regional Hospital. Their latest,                               Michelle and Michael Hagerty Courtyard   the inviting new Louis B. and Anne W.
        a $5 million contribution in support of the                               on the northern tip of the new Gloria   Green Lobby with plans for retail, dining,
        residency programs, brings their total giv-                               Drummond Patient Tower and other gifts   meeting space, a sanctuary, outdoor court-
        ing to Keeping the Promise to $8.5 mil-                                   totaling $1 million to name the Michelle   yards, and other conveniences for visitors.
        lion. Their support is one of many other                                  and Michael Hagerty Education Center at   The new tower features all new surgical
        seven- and eight-figure donors to a cam-                                  the Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health &   suites and all private patient rooms
        paign that has surpassed $212 million                                     Wellness Institute.                 exceeding the latest safety standards for
        raised.                                                                    Michelle Hagerty is a prominent philan-  patient care. In the current hospital build-
          “Michelle and Michael Hagerty are       Michael and Michelle Hagerty    thropist and strong advocate for children   ing, all existing rooms will be converted to
        deeply embedded in our mission at Boca                                    in the South Florida community. She has   private in a comprehensive renovation of
        Raton Regional Hospital,” said Lincoln   role in the hospital’s transformation to a   been involved with various organizations   all patient units including maternity,
        Mendez, CEO of Boca Raton Regional   tertiary  academic  medical  center.  locally in addition to the hospital, includ-  oncology, and orthopedics. An expansion
        Hospital. “When donors make repeated   Expansion plans include more than dou-  ing Place of Hope, Nicklaus Children’s   of the Marcus Neuroscience Institute is
        gifts to our capital campaign, it’s clear they   bling the size of the space housing the   Hospital, and Florida Atlantic University,   well underway with emphasis on neu-
        believe in our vision for the future. We are   existing programs providing a new learn-  among others. Prior to moving to South   rovascular/stroke, central nervous system
        grateful for their role in the success of the   ing center, conference room, computer   Florida, Michelle worked in New York for   tumors, spine, and epilepsy/seizure disor-
        campaign and their demonstration of faith   lab, surgical simulation center, and much   her family business, White Rock   ders. The recently opened 972-car
        in our campus initiative is irreplaceable.”   needed administrative and educational   Distilleries. Michelle and her husband,   Schmidt Family Parking Facility will be
          Boca Regional serves as the primary   space for all three programs. This new   Michael, have two children and live in   connected to the Marcus Neuroscience
        teaching site for Florida Atlantic   space will help Boca Regional recruit and   Boca Raton.                  Institute once the new tower construction
        University’s Charles E. Schmidt College of   retain top medical school graduates for   The $250 million Keeping the Promise   is complete. Also underway is the new
        Medicine offering residency programs in   world class training in Boca Raton.   Campaign is the largest fund-raising initia-  Toby and Leon Cooperman Medical Arts
        Internal Medicine, General Surgery and   The latest gift from the family will be   tive in Boca Regional’s history and is sup-  Pavilion with outpatient surgery, physician
        Neurology. The program plays a pivotal   recognized in the naming of the Michelle   porting its most ambitious period of   offices and adjacent parking.

         22                       December 2021                                                                                                                      South Florida Hospital News
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