P. 25

Cover Story: Catholic Health Services                                     Cover Story: The Return

        Appoints Aristides Pallin as President & CEO of the Carpetbaggers

         Continued from page 1                                                    Continued from page 1               doctors in Florida, and a huge list of
        serve at CHS. First as a Board member,   ing facilities, inpatient rehabilitation   ticking up as well,” he said. “Most mal-  companies that defend very few doctors
                                             facilities, long term care, assisted living,
        then as the COO and now as CEO. The   elder housing, hospice, home health,   practice insurance companies have lost   in Florida. They make that up by offer-
        CEO role will provide me an opportuni-  and early childhood development.    money in the last couple of years as   ing good pricing, hoping to entice peo-
        ty to further the traditions of mission   “These services are available in Miami   claims have ratcheted up, so they’re   ple who have not done their research.”
        and service that are the core of CHS.”   Dade, Broward, and hopefully soon in   looking to write new policies to stay   Gracey adds that it all boils down to
          Some of his current and future plans   Palm Beach,” he says. “This broad set of   afloat.                   the fundamentals.
        to serve the changing needs of the resi-  integrated services is unique in the state.   “What these companies do not under-  “What’s their experience? Are they
        dents of South Florida include the   Specifically for our healthcare partners,   stand is that one of the reasons that we   financially sound? Are they going to
        impact of the pandemic and severe    we can provide a truly comprehensive   have such high malpractice insurance   treat their doctors fairly?” he asked.
        staffing shortages that is forcing all   approach to treatment and improved   costs in Florida is because the jury pools   “Even if all of these boxes are checked,
        providers to evaluate the needs of the   quality of life to their patients.”   are extremely favorable to plaintiffs,”   if they don’t have experience in our
        communities and create innovative plans   Pallin is looking forward to the chal-  continued Gracey. “In fact, if you   courtrooms or with settlement negotia-
        to serve those needs.                lenges that await him.               Google ‘judicial hellholes,’ Miami Dade   tions and trials, their expertise will be
          “For CHS there is considerable focus   “Funding is always a challenge for   County comes out in first or second   challenged at best.”
        on expanding services at the home    providers in our segment while at the   place nearly every year.”          He noted that companies new to the
        including Home Health, Hospice and   same time need will not diminish,” he                                    state often overstate their experience
        palliative care,” says Pallin. “The chal-  says. “Advocacy for appropriate financial   Buyer Beware           level in Florida as well as how heavily
        lenges that have existed receiving care at   resources will be a continual battle.   Gracey warns that the problem for   they have been involved in defending
        hospitals have also allowed us to focus in   Staffing is also an ongoing concern that   those buying malpractice insurance is   doctors and hospitals in malpractice
        providing alternatives to unneeded hos-  we need to address. The industry is suf-  that there isn’t a lot of transparency with   suits, which would highlight their lack
        pitalizations. Finally, the need for elder   fering from this shortage and there are   how claims are handled by each compa-  of knowledge of the state’s jury pools.
        housing will continue to grow and we   no quick solutions. We are evaluating all   ny, except in the state of Florida.    While they may hire lawyers in-state,
        have just broken ground on a new low-  our resources to place the needed staff at   “Florida’s  Office  of  Insurance  their claims management departments
        income facility in Miramar and are   the bedside while maintaining the well-  Regulation does an annual malpractice   are still located outside Florida, with lit-
        expanding another.”                  being of our staff.”                 insurance company report that we    tle to no experience of how to defend
          CHS provides a full continuum of    He adds that CHS is a Catholic organ-  encourage doctors, CEOs and adminis-  complex cases in Florida.
        healthcare and social services to the   ization for all.                  trators to read,” he said. “Check out   “Unless a company has a lot of expe-
        southeast Florida community. With a   “We are inclusive and caring of all   what each company is doing in the state   rience with jury pools in Florida—one
        staff of over 2,500, CHS serves more   dimensions of those we serve including   as far as defending their doctors—what   of the toughest venues in the country—
        than 6,000 people on a daily basis and   patient, residents, customers, our staff   claim and loss ratios are, and in particu-  you have the recipe for a very inade-
        operates four medical campuses, 36   and families and the communities in   lar, how many claims they actually deal   quate claims defense,” Gracey summa-
        facilities in Broward and Miami-Dade   which we reside,” he concludes. “We are   with and how many are taken to court.   rized. “Choose wisely, and make sure
        counties.                            impacting the lives of many communi-  “Because doctors don’t really know   that your insurance company has a
          According to Pallin, what sets Catholic   ties.”                        what they should pay for malpractice   wealth of local experience.”
        Health Services apart from other health                                   insurance, they are susceptible to low-
        services providers in the state includes a    For additional information, visit   ball pricing and bait-and-switch tactics,”   For more information, contact Matt
        very broad set of services focused on the   he added. “There is a very strong, small   Gracey at (800) 966-2120 or visit
        communities. This includes skilled nurs-                                  group of companies who defend a lot of   


        Dr. Cherrie Morris Named Chief                                           Jupiter Medical Center Adds Expert
        Physician and Operations Executive                                       Medical Oncologist Adam J.
        for Cape Coral Hospital                                                  Kotkiewicz, DO, to the Team at the

                                                                                 Anderson Family Cancer Institute
          As a practicing physician with Lee Health for more than
        20 years, Cherrie Morris, M.D., M.S., has been appointed
        as the new chief physician and operations executive for                    Jupiter Medical Center welcomes Dr. Adam J.
        Cape Coral Hospital.                                                     Kotkiewicz to its team of cancer care specialists at the
          Morris has been a practicing obstetrician/gynecologist                 award-winning hospital’s renowned Anderson Family
        with Lee Health since 1998 and has served as system med-  Dr. Cherrie Morris   Cancer Institute.
        ical director for obstetrical services since 2019 and as lead              Dr. Kotkiewicz’ expertise will bolster the remarkable   Dr. Adam J. Kotkiewicz
        physician for Lee Physician Group obstetrics and gynecology since 2014.    institute’s unmatched care in the areas of medical hematology and oncology, general
          She has extensive experience with medical staff leadership and governance through   oncology, lung and genitourinary cancers and more.
        the HealthPark Medical Center Medical Executive Committee, the Lee Health   Board-certified and fellowship-trained, Dr. Kotkiewicz brings with him more than
        Credentialing/Privileging Committee, the Women’s Services Operational Council and   a decade of experience and extensive training. Before joining Jupiter Medical Center,
        the Lee Physician Group Governance Committee and Quality & Peer Review   he served as Physician Advisor for Executive Health Resources for the Lehigh Valley
        Committee.                                                               Health Network.
          Morris earned her medical degree from Rutgers New Jersey Medical School and her
        master of science in nutritional biochemistry from Rutgers University. She completed
        her residency at the University of South Florida College of Medicine in Tampa.                E-mail Your Editorial Submissions to


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