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                                                  Medical Tourism’s Challenges and Triumphs

          During this pandemic,                          ice lines to accommodate   are at times more advanced than in some   ambulating and was discharged. Her
        patients sought self-care at                     international patients and   foreign countries. The challenges are the   family was incredibly appreciative and
        home rather than seeking                         are aggressively market-  imaging we may receive from a patient’s   thankful for how well she was cared for
        medical attention at a hospi-                    ing to them. Those      physician in another country might not   at our hospital.
        tal. Because of COVID-19,                        patients now have more   be what we expect or need leading to   Another international patient success,
        they avoided treatment, in                       choices.                additional testing once they arrive to   a male in his 40's, spent 3-1/2 months at
        some instances, costing peo-                       Expectations    from  Holy Cross.                          Holy Cross, when he arrived, he was on
        ple their lives. For interna-                    Patients: At our interna-  COVID-19: The challenges to hospi-  extracorporeal membrane oxygenation,
        tional patients that situation                   tional services depart-  tals during the pandemic is the signifi-  or ECMO therapy, which saved his life.
        is exasperated due to travel                     ment at Holy Cross, we   cant drop in the number of international   This leading-edge technology is used for
        restrictions.                                    uphold a VIP and person-  patients due to travel bans and restric-  the treatment of critically ill patients
          Even without COVID-19,                         alized service, patients   tions. For patients in elective cases, they   with advance cardiac or pulmonary dis-
        there are challenges with      BY MANUEL J.      can call and get an     have an added layer of testing. They   ease. Every year during the holidays, the
        international patients. The   MANTECON, MD,      appointment, and we     must test negative for COVID-19 in their   patient returns to South Florida and vis-
        good news is that South            MBA           have the flexibility to give   home country and again when they   its the rehab unit in the hospital. It has
        Florida is a hot spot for inter-                 them options. We have   arrive.                              become an annual tradition for him to
        national patients who cite world-class   multiple physicians that can cover multi-  What I am most proud of during my   place an ornament on the rehab unit tree
        physicians, beautiful weather, beaches,   ple patient needs.             more than seven years in the         while he is here.
        cultural diversity, restaurants and, of   New Patient with an Existing   International Services Department at   Successful outcomes like these are why
        course, the people, as reasons to seek   Condition: While most patients here and   Holy Cross are the many patients' tri-  I love what I do. It’s a credit to the physi-
        treatment here.                      abroad are more educated in keeping   umphs we have been a part of. One   cians and associates at Holy Cross for the
          Among the challenges:              their records, that is not always the real-  patient that stands out during the pan-  compassion and the highest level of care
          Language Barriers: This can be a chal-  ity. One of the challenges is that medical   demic was a 98-year-old female patient   they show all our patients each and every
        lenge, but for a hospital like Holy Cross   records provided by the patient or hospi-  who was intubated and failing fast in a   day. I am honored to be part of the team.
        Hospital, we have physicians and associ-  tals are in Spanish, which could be diffi-  hospital outside of the U.S., in Central
        ates that speak multiple languages. In   cult to decipher or comprehend, howev-  America. She was transported to Holy   Dr. Manuel Mantecon, Director of
        other areas of the country that may not   er, most of the times we have the interna-  Cross in March just before the U.S. was   International Services at Holy Cross
        be the case.                         tional physician referral in English.    shutting down. She tested negative for       Hospital, can be reached at
          Increased Competition: More and      Testing and Technology: The technol-  COVID-19 and began her treatment                     (954) 351-5906 or
        more hospitals are expanding their serv-  ogy and testing procedures in the U.S.   here. Within three weeks, she was up,

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         20                       July 2020                                                                                                                             South Florida Hospital News
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