P. 19

Cover Story: Ahead of the Curve -

                                                                                  NextGen HealthCare Attorney:

                                                                                  Holistic Advice and Fixed Fee Options

                                                                                  Continued from page 1
                                                                                    “Stacking and honing skills makes me   and we deliberately approach healthcare
                                                                                  a stronger team member,” says Mirza,   issues with a holistic solution stream-
                                                                                  “To truly improve health care, the indus-  lined to particular needs,” he said.
                                                                                  try needs individuals who can strategi-  According to Mirza, belabored in-
                                                                                  cally navigate the system.”         house healthcare attorneys need outside
                                                                                                                      counsel experienced in creating and
                                                                                  Counselor On-Call                   implementing solutions side by side with
                                                                                    Immersed in health care delivery   administrators  and     physicians.
                                                                                  trends of consolidation, mergers, acqui-  Recognizing this critically important
                                                                                  sitions and the current economic disrup-  partnership, Mirza approaches lawyering
                                                                                  tion of COVID-19, Mirza recognized the   as if he is an extension of his client, fully
                                                                                  triggers for cost containment urgency. A   engaged and loyal, with a strategic,
                                                                                  fresh look at a more efficient delivery of   boots-on-the-ground head start due to
                                                                                  legal services evolved.  Eliminating the   his years as in-house counsel with major
                                                                                  old ways of nickel and dime fees buried   Florida healthcare systems.  He makes
                                                                                  in client billing was needed, according to   himself fully accessible, 24/7 via cell and
                                                                                  Mirza.                              text minus the typical add-on fees for
                                                                                    “Our aim is to bring our clients value,”   such service.
                                                                                  he said, “and so we launched a new pre-  “Healthcare Law Partners actually
                                                                                  dictable fee model as a means to deliver   ‘partners’ with our clients to see their
                                                                                  that value.”                        goals become a reality,” he explained.
                                                                                    His practice, Healthcare Law Partners,
                                                                                  LLC has pioneered fixed fee representa-  Improving Health with
                                                                                  tion, Counselor On-Call, and is current-  Knowledgeable
                                                                                  ly one of few, if not the only, healthcare   Legal Policy Advice
                                                                                  firm in the country to offer the option.    Mirza believes that strategic, timely,
                                                                                    According to Mirza, hospitals and   holistic legal intervention can positively
                                                                                  practice groups want a predictable plan   impact improvements in access to and
                                                                                  of services and costs up-front. Clients   delivery of the continuum of quality
                                                                                  want to see law firms leverage personal-  health care with an assurance of regula-
                                                                                  ized advice from a bank of document   tory compliance and cost-effective rou-
                                                                                  templates and transfer the cost savings to   tines, based on nearly two decades of
                                                                                  the client.                         experience.
                                                                                    “Administrators and physicians need   “The challenges of 2020 underscore
                                                                                  practical legal advice, but much of what   the importance of knowledgeable part-
                                                                                  we do in law is predictable. Our clients   nering at the intersection of patient care,
                                                                                  tell us their issues and we offer knowl-  finance and regulatory goals to acceler-
                                                                                  edgeable counsel based on standardized   ate and preserve necessary advance-
                                                                                  protocols, which shortens the turn-  ments in the healthcare environment,”
                                                                                  around time to fully executed contracts   Mirza said, “As firm co-founder and
                                                                                  and strategic counsel,” Mirza claims   hands-on contributor I am professionally
                                                                                  “This uncharacteristic practice drives   obligated to operate in the legal world
                                                                                  down costs and speeds up workflow and   but with a personal ‘man on the street’
                                                                                  revenue actualization with evidence-  mindset, focused on what best benefits
                                                                                  based solutions, providing mutual bene-  our clients.”
                                                                                  fit.”                                 In addition to individual health care
                                                                                                                      providers, practice groups, hospitals and
                                                                                  Holistic Solutions in the           health systems, Mirza serves associations
                                                                                  Health Care Triangle                like the American College of Healthcare
                                                                                    Another common complaint is that   Executives of South Florida, National
                                                                                  many law firms are inherently ‘too   Association of Health Services Exec -
                                                                                  lawyerly’ while ignoring the rest of the   utives of Florida, and Indian Physicians
                                                                                  patient care and business concerns that   of Florida. He was most recently
                                                                                  healthcare providers have.          appointed to serve on The Florida Bar’s
                                                                                    Healthcare professionals often attempt   Continuing Legal Education Committee
                                                                                  to launch innovative patient care direc-  for Health Law Attorneys.
                                                                                  tions only to get blindsided by regula-  As the COVID-19 pandemic continues
                                                                                  tions or financial barriers. Mirza’s firm is   its path, Mirza predicts new approaches
                                                                                  immersed in the healthcare triangle bal-  to legal services will be coming to mar-
                                                                                  ancing patient care, finance and regula-  ket with tough, robust competition for
                                                                                  tions. He attempts to help successfully   the healthcare dollar. Healthcare Law
                                                                                  navigate the healthcare triangle to accel-  Partners is a nimble firm that is making
                                                                                  erate intended advancements.        its mark in the industry, ready to engage
                                                                                    “Clients need their attorneys to trans-  health care clients with a fresh approach
                                                                                  late legal jargon, cut through paperwork   to predictable, reliable and efficient legal
                                                                                  and protocol, but also understand the   advice.
                                                                                  nuances and interconnections of health-
                                                                                  care.  Clients want practical legal advice   To put Ben’s team to work for you, call
                                                                                  that is actionable.  In fact, our logo rep-         (954) 445-5503 or visit
                                                                                  resents the healthcare triangle of patient
                                                                                  care, finance, and regulatory concerns

                                                                                                 Visit us online at


         18                        July 2020                                                                                                                             South Florida Hospital News
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