Page 6 - Internal newsletter south region 9th issue 2021
P. 6


        Next customer events :
        Smart Glasses Virtual Tour for Italy and Spain planned end of January beginning of February, we’ll keep you informed on the dates
        if you want to join the event remotely!
        Paraform challenge

        November signed a new record for our A120 Spanish customers, it has been the month with the biggest numbers of  Paraform
        cassettes embedded: 57.461 for the entire month! Looking forward for the next record!

        Sales successes –fiscal year 2021

        Message from Jean-claude Roger

        Dear Colleagues,

            I just remember that, 6 months ago , I have written in our newsletter : “ Be sure I’m convinced that we have the right skilled
        people in the right place within our organisation to achieve close to 20 M€ revenue goal this year.” And you know what…
                                                    WE DID IT !

        As shared with all of you during our Kick off meetings across the region, I’m so proud what our organisation of the southern Europe
        has achieved during the last 3 years , growing from 14.5 M€ to more than 19 M€ and , as already shared, this is because of you.

        So now …what our next goal for FY22  ???.... you know what I mean …. We have a tremendous growth in the south region
        following our company mission and vision, promoting and installing our Smart Automation solution across 4 countries and
        developing a real partnership with our customers so…..
                                                Why not to be the first ???

                            ….and finally this is up to us    … and this is something that we can do again….

        Thanks all for what you’re doing everyday , for our fantastic region, for our great company, for our valuable customers and , the
        most important…                                for the patient.

        I wish you all the best for you and yours for this year end 2021 and it will be a great pleasure to continue our story in 2022 all

                                                                                  THANKS                         JCR
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