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Welcome to the City and County of around coastal erosion and the Honolulu
Honolulu’s first Annual Sustainability Authority for Rapid Transportation
Report, published by your Office of Climate (HART) has raised critical infrastructure
Change, Sustainability and Resiliency. out of future flood levels in their designs.
We are honoring the mandate by O‘ahu
voters who amended our City Charter • Mayor Caldwell and the City Council have
in 2016 to ensure that local government also set a joint goal of increasing our
tackle the issue of climate change, increase urban tree canopy coverage to 35% by
sustainability in City operations, and work 2035 to help cool our neighborhoods,
with communities to become more resilient. protect against flooding and reduce
With this report, we aim to be transparent our energy bills. We have an initial goal
and accountable over the years to come of planting 100,000 trees on O‘ahu by
about our progress toward these goals. 2025, and saw the community lead with
Your City leadership is taking the lead on a record-setting 1,100 trees planted in a
creating a sustainable future with a strong single day last fall. Chief Resilience Officer Josh Stanbro
mix of goals and actions on the ground. To While we’re heartened by the increasing
highlight a few: momentum of O‘ahu’s sustainability VIEW OUR PROGRESS
• Consistent with the 2017 Paris climate efforts, we recognize we are just at the Reporting Our Progress 03
agreement, the City Council has endorsed beginning of our journey. Much remains
a 100% clean energy and carbon neutral to be done both in terms of implementing Performance Indicators 04
goal for 2045 via Resolution 18-221. To our City commitments, and also adopting Our Commitments 05
get there, we are expanding bike lanes, aggressive new policies and programs that
piloting electric buses, and installing LED will actually move the needle across all of Achieving a Carbon Neutral Economy 06
streetlights island-wide to dramatically the indicators in this report. The metrics in Sustainable City Operations 08
reduce fossil fuel use and save taxpayer this report aren’t just numbers, they are like
dollars. a hospital monitor indicating O‘ahu’s vital Clean & Affordable Transportation 12
signs and directly determine whether we’ll
• To increase our climate resilience, be able to survive, adapt, and thrive in our 100% Renewable Energy Future 14
Mayor’s Directive 18-2 was issued by island home in the decades to come. Water Security & Green Infrastructure 16
Mayor Caldwell which requires all City We look forward to creating a more
departments and agencies to take a Resilient O‘ahu with you! Sustainable Waste Management 18
proactive approach to reduce greenhouse Climate Resilience 20
gas emissions and adapt projects to the
physical impacts of climate change. City How We Compare 22
lifeguards are now piloting “portable” Josh Stanbro, Chief Resilience Officer
lifeguard stands to provide flexibility and Executive Director Conclusions & Next Steps 23