Page 3 - REV-CCSR Annual Sustainability Report 2019.indd
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“You can’t manage what you don’t This report gathers in one place the
measure” is an old business adage that commitments of our City, and establishes
has gained traction with local government specific performance indicators that
as we lead the way in creating more reflect a range of climate change,
sustainable communities. The City sustainability, and resilience activities
and County of Honolulu is part of this taking place across the island of O‘ahu.
movement. As mandated by O‘ahu
residents in Section 6-107 of the City The process to establish the metrics in
Charter, the Office of Climate Change, this annual report included:
Sustainability and Resiliency (Resilience • Cataloging existing sustainability and
Office) shall report to the mayor and City climate commitments of the City;
Council regarding overall performance in
meeting sustainability and environmental • Determining data availability and
targets and objectives. This is the first baseline information to measure
Annual Sustainability Report for the City. commitments;
The creation of the Resilience Office and • In collaboration with City Council
Climate Change Commission by voters, members, Department leaders, and
and subsequent island-wide outreach and others, selecting specific measurable
surveys, indicate that with resounding metrics to track our island progress in
unity, the residents of O‘ahu are alarmed key areas.
by the coming impacts of climate change
and are looking to City leadership to
implement policies and actions that
promote a secure and sustainable future.