Page 21 - REV-CCSR Annual Sustainability Report 2019.indd
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                                                               CLIMATE RESILIENCE

                                                              OUR PATH TO SUCCESS

                   TRACKING                               TRACKING                                TRACKING                                TRACKING

                Beach                                Hurricane                             Community                                Informed
                  Loss                            Preparedness                               Response                               Residents

                                                                                                                            49,801 app downloads
   O‘ahu has approximately 66 miles of sandy
     shoreline and beach. Since 1949, about                                                                          gives users a real-time,
           25% of O‘ahu’s sandy           It is estimated that 64% of all single-family  480 individuals CERT (Community    direct connection to City information.
    beach has narrowed or been completely   homes on O‘ahu lack sufficient hurricane wind  Emergency Response Team) trained in 2018 at   In an emergency situation, the app
      lost in part due to artificial hardening          resistance.                        27 trainings.                    could be utilized to distribute critical
              of the shoreline.                                                                                                   messages and updates.

                                         COMMUNITY PREPAREDNESS
                                         The City participated in nine community-organized disaster preparedness fairs across the island in 2018.  From Manoa to
                                         the Wai‘anae Coast, departments including the Honolulu Fire Department, Honolulu Police Department, Department of
                                         Emergency Management, Board of Water Supply, and the Resilience Office have had informational tables at these events
                                         where they helped educate the public about how to be better prepared for hazards such as floods, fires, storms, tsunamis,
                                         and earthquakes. Over 8,300 residents attended the preparedness fairs.
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