Page 23 - REV-CCSR Annual Sustainability Report 2019.indd
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                                                                                                               REMAINING ROOTED | CLIMATE FOR CHANGE | 23
                                                                                                                     CONCLUSION | ANNUAL SUSTAINABILITY REPORT | 23


      The residents of O‘ahu live close to the       On balance, the City is making progress
      land and the ocean and know that not only      towards becoming more resilient and
      is our environment under threat, it is also    sustainable. However, the speed of change
      the foundation of our economy. That’s why      happening around us means that we must
      voters established the Office of Climate       pick up the pace. Building a carbon-free                     What you can do:
      Change, Sustainability and Resiliency and      economy and preparing our infrastructure
      mandated that the City produce a regular       for the impacts of climate change is no                      Resilience is built through our daily choices.
      report on our sustainability progress.         small task. However, many hands make                         From City priorities to individual actions, our
                                                     even a heavy canoe light.  In the end, it’s a                efforts add up!
      The metrics contained within this 2018         kakou thing: we are truly all in this together.
      Annual Sustainability Report will provide                                                                   •   Buy local food—it’s healthier for you and
      a dashboard for years to come, providing       The data in this report will only shift in a                    our economy. It also supports having
                                                                                                                     fresh food on island when disaster
      a transparent accounting of our progress       positive direction if our island population                     strikes.
      as an island community toward a safe           lends support. If you would like to get
      and secure future. It is our firm belief       involved in this island-wide effort, we                      •   Swap your car for a hybrid or electric
      that the foundation of good government         welcome you to contact the Resilience                           vehicle—or better yet ditch car expenses
      policies require tangible goal setting, the    Office at any time.                                             altogether and walk, bike, and take the
      collection of sound data, and tracking our                                                                     bus instead.
      performance.                                                                                                •   Reduce your utility bill by installing a
                                                                                                                     solar water heater and other energy
      In the creation of this report, we found                                                                       efficiency moves in your home.
      inspiring stories of sustainability efforts
      both in the community and within City          Contact the Resilience Office:                               •   Retrofit your home and keep 2 weeks
      government. We applaud all of the                                                                              of supplies on hand in case the next
      individual and agency efforts over many                    (808) 768-2277                                      hurricane makes landfall on O‘ahu.
      years to help make our island community
      more resilient long before voters                                       The number one tool of resilience is
                                                                                                                  community. Talk about climate change,
      established a charter mandate and an office                                                                 resilience, and sustainability with your
      to track progress. The commitments made                                      friends, family and especially your neighbors.
      by City leadership to create and uphold                                                                     Together we can create a healthier, safer
      local, state, national and international goals                                                              O‘ahu that is ready for any shocks and
      have provided a strong foundation to                                                                        stresses that come our way.
      accelerate and measure our work alongside
      other communities going forward.                                                                            Go to for
                                                                                                                  ideas to save money and protect our island
                                                                                                                  community. Mahalo!
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