Page 23 - Oct 16 Breed
P. 23

Extra information


          Ideal height: dogs: 46 cm (18 ins); bitches: 43 cm (17 ins ) taken from the withers to floor giving a square outline

          Breed Watch

          Excessively  long coat:-  This is a very subjective description but each judge must use there own common sense to decide
          what is excessive on a Keeshond.  A Keeshond with a long flowing coat as a Shih Tzu or Lhasa Apso is without a doubt
          excessive but a full coat with a depth of undercoat is not.  When viewing a Keeshond from the side you should be able to see
          daylight under the body. A keeshond which has been trimmed will have blunt ends to the tips of the coat.  Trimming of a
          Keeshond should be severely penalised, with the exception of Feet, hocks and pasterns.

          Where is the square taken from

          The point of chest to point of rump  should be equal to point of withers to floor giving the imaginary lines  above.
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