Page 3 - PARAGRAPH ELEMENT 3 Dayanna Gamboa
P. 3

STEP 2: If your topic needs to be defined, write a definition. Then draft a topic

                  sentence for you paragraph

                                   Talking skating classes is enjoyable for three reasoms

                                   People enjoy talking skating classes for tree reasons
                                      I enjoy taking skating classes for three reasons.

                  STEP 3: Make an ouline

                         I           Enjoy taking skating classes for three reasons.

                         I.     Skating  classes are great places to make friends

                         A.     Met my best friend Shirley

                         B.     Also met my boyfriend Ismael

                         II.    Skating classes introduce me to the rhythm of the music
                         A.     Electric music

                         B.     Romantic music

                         C.     Pop music

                         III.   Skating makes my mind, and spirit work together

                         A.     Helps me in all a parts of my life

                  STEP 4: Using your outline. Write a first draft of you paragraph.

                                            Figure skating classes

                  I  enjoy  taking  figure  skating  classes  for  three  reasons.  Figure  skating

                  classes are great places to make friends because people who skating usually

                  have healthy lifestyles and positive attitudes. I met my best friend Shirley

                  in  a  figure  skating  class  and  my  boyfriend  Ismael  in  a  hockey  class.

                  Skating classes introduce me to the music , and it helps me feel the rhythm

                  of the music and interpret it. For example, make a turn in two feet, or an
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