Page 8 - Book Of Enoch Vol. 1 — God In A Nutshell Edition_Flipbook
P. 8

The Book of Enoch —

        time  of  Jesus.  The  earliest  known  surviving  fragments  and
        quotations in various languages show that this is the same book,

        and that the Ethiopians have preserved it well.  In the end I was
        convinced that the book is really Enoch’s true account of otherwise
        forgotten events that occurred in early times; events that we have

        no other surviving records of.

        Enoch left us a book that describes people of an advanced culture;
        blond haired people that Enoch’s people considered to be Angels
        of God, and it was written on the angels’ instruction. The standard

        academic view seems to be that some slightly demented religious
        fanatic  wrote  the  book  -  not  long  before  the  earliest  provable
        fragments, (200 or 300 BC).  I think it is impossible to support this

        view.  Such an author would have to be able to write the entire
        book from the point of view of a person who knows nothing of
        countries with names, or religions with names.  Then he goes on

        to describe the Angels as blond men, who ran away from Heaven
        in order to be promiscuous with women.  I don’t believe this is the

        sort of world view that would have been well received or widely
        accepted  anywhere  in  200  BC.    This  plus  the  all  too  accurate
        prophecies  are  probably  the  reasons  why  it  was  ‘lost’  by  the

        religions that used to regard it as holy.

        I concluded that the book is probably what it appears to be; well
        preserved, ancient and genuine.  Enoch was the great-grandfather
        of Noah, and father of Methuselah, and his book gives a unique

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