Page 41 - ASME AM3D/IDETC/CIE 2015 Program
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VIB KEYNOTES sors. Prof. Parker has delivered over 60 keynote and invited lectures.
He has consulted for several major companies where analyses using
his research have solved major vibration problems in the automotive,
Wednesday, August 5 helicopter, wind turbine, and aircraft engine industries.
SESSION: MSNDC-VIB-18-2 Prof. Parker is a Fellow of ASME and the American Association for
9:30AM – 11:10AM the Advancement of Science. The Chinese government selected him
Location: Room 302, Level 3 as an inaugural awardee for its 1000 Person Plan. He has received
the US Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers
(PECASE), the National Science Foundation CAREER, and the US
Robert Parker Army Young Investigator Awards, as well as the ASME Gustus
Larson Award, Ford Chief Engineer Award, French government
2015 N. O. Myklestad Award Recipient Poste Rouge Award, SAE Ralph Teetor Educational Award, ASEE’s
Virginia Tech Global Engineering Educator and Outstanding Faculty Awards, and
five separate research awards from Ohio State University.
He was invited by the US National Academy of Engineering to four
CYCLICALLY SYMMETRIC SYSTEM VIBRATION Frontiers of Engineering Symposia in the US, China, Japan, and
Abstract: Cyclically symmetric, or rotationally periodic, systems arise Germany. He serves on the Editorial Board of Mechanism and
in numerous rotating applications, including helicopter and wind Machine Theory and served seven years as Associate Editor for the
turbine rotor assemblies, bladed disk assemblies, planetary gears, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics and held leadership roles
pendulum absorber systems, disk brakes, and many more. In most in several professional society committees.
cases, these systems have been studied on their own without explicit Prof. Parker has been a Visiting Fellow at Risoe National Lab
consideration of their common mathematical structure and vibration (Denmark), the University of New South Wales, the University of
features. It is possible, however, to analyze the vibration of the general Sydney, Tokyo University, NASA Glenn Research Center, and INSA
class of cyclically symmetric systems, including gyroscopic effects, Lyon. He worked at The Aerospace Corporation for two years.
and that is the focus of this talk. The rotational periodicity leads to
equations of motion that involve circulant matrices. Systems without
any vibrating central components to which the cyclically symmetric
substructures are attached have purely circulant matrices. Systems Tuesday, August 4
having central components, e.g., the central hub of an assembly of SESSION: VIB-17-1
blades, are the larger group, however. Their model matrices are not 11:40AM – 12:40PM
circulant but have circulant sub-matrices. In both cases, the systems Location: Room 302, Level 3
have highly structured modal properties and natural frequency
spectra that can be derived and proved in surprising detail. This
structure has useful practical implications that will be discussed for David Ewins
some example systems. While the main results will be presented for
discrete systems described by matrix equations, comparisons will be 2015 J.P. Den Hartog Award Recipient
made to cyclic symmetry phenomena in continuous systems. Imperial College London
Bandgap phenomena (natural frequencies grouped into separated
frequency bands) arise in some, but not all, situations. Examples
showing when and how this occurs will be discussed. EXCITING VIBRATIONS: THE ROLE OF TESTS IN AN
Biography: Since 2013 Prof. Parker has served as the L. S. Randolph Abstract: This lecture presents the case for achieving an optimum
Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Virginia balance between, and integration of, Test and Simulation in modern
Tech. Previously he was a University Distinguished Professor and the Vibration Engineering. This is necessary to resolve the many issues
Executive Dean at the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong and structural dynamics problems encountered in practice because
University Joint Institute and served 13 years on the faculty at Ohio of the inevitable systematic and stochastic uncertainties which are
State University. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the encountered at every stage of product development. These
University of California, Berkeley. problems can be overcome through effective implementation of
modern validation and verification procedures which will be shown to
Prof. Parker’s research examines the vibration and stability of require the most advanced testing technologies to match those in
high-speed mechanical systems. He has published over 100 archival simulation which are driven by continuing advances in computation
journal papers and 120 conference papers. His individual research technology. The lecture draws on examples spanning more than half
funding exceeds $10M from a range of federal and industry spon-
VIB KEYNOTES sors. Prof. Parker has delivered over 60 keynote and invited lectures.
He has consulted for several major companies where analyses using
his research have solved major vibration problems in the automotive,
Wednesday, August 5 helicopter, wind turbine, and aircraft engine industries.
SESSION: MSNDC-VIB-18-2 Prof. Parker is a Fellow of ASME and the American Association for
9:30AM – 11:10AM the Advancement of Science. The Chinese government selected him
Location: Room 302, Level 3 as an inaugural awardee for its 1000 Person Plan. He has received
the US Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers
(PECASE), the National Science Foundation CAREER, and the US
Robert Parker Army Young Investigator Awards, as well as the ASME Gustus
Larson Award, Ford Chief Engineer Award, French government
2015 N. O. Myklestad Award Recipient Poste Rouge Award, SAE Ralph Teetor Educational Award, ASEE’s
Virginia Tech Global Engineering Educator and Outstanding Faculty Awards, and
five separate research awards from Ohio State University.
He was invited by the US National Academy of Engineering to four
CYCLICALLY SYMMETRIC SYSTEM VIBRATION Frontiers of Engineering Symposia in the US, China, Japan, and
Abstract: Cyclically symmetric, or rotationally periodic, systems arise Germany. He serves on the Editorial Board of Mechanism and
in numerous rotating applications, including helicopter and wind Machine Theory and served seven years as Associate Editor for the
turbine rotor assemblies, bladed disk assemblies, planetary gears, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics and held leadership roles
pendulum absorber systems, disk brakes, and many more. In most in several professional society committees.
cases, these systems have been studied on their own without explicit Prof. Parker has been a Visiting Fellow at Risoe National Lab
consideration of their common mathematical structure and vibration (Denmark), the University of New South Wales, the University of
features. It is possible, however, to analyze the vibration of the general Sydney, Tokyo University, NASA Glenn Research Center, and INSA
class of cyclically symmetric systems, including gyroscopic effects, Lyon. He worked at The Aerospace Corporation for two years.
and that is the focus of this talk. The rotational periodicity leads to
equations of motion that involve circulant matrices. Systems without
any vibrating central components to which the cyclically symmetric
substructures are attached have purely circulant matrices. Systems Tuesday, August 4
having central components, e.g., the central hub of an assembly of SESSION: VIB-17-1
blades, are the larger group, however. Their model matrices are not 11:40AM – 12:40PM
circulant but have circulant sub-matrices. In both cases, the systems Location: Room 302, Level 3
have highly structured modal properties and natural frequency
spectra that can be derived and proved in surprising detail. This
structure has useful practical implications that will be discussed for David Ewins
some example systems. While the main results will be presented for
discrete systems described by matrix equations, comparisons will be 2015 J.P. Den Hartog Award Recipient
made to cyclic symmetry phenomena in continuous systems. Imperial College London
Bandgap phenomena (natural frequencies grouped into separated
frequency bands) arise in some, but not all, situations. Examples
showing when and how this occurs will be discussed. EXCITING VIBRATIONS: THE ROLE OF TESTS IN AN
Biography: Since 2013 Prof. Parker has served as the L. S. Randolph Abstract: This lecture presents the case for achieving an optimum
Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Virginia balance between, and integration of, Test and Simulation in modern
Tech. Previously he was a University Distinguished Professor and the Vibration Engineering. This is necessary to resolve the many issues
Executive Dean at the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong and structural dynamics problems encountered in practice because
University Joint Institute and served 13 years on the faculty at Ohio of the inevitable systematic and stochastic uncertainties which are
State University. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the encountered at every stage of product development. These
University of California, Berkeley. problems can be overcome through effective implementation of
modern validation and verification procedures which will be shown to
Prof. Parker’s research examines the vibration and stability of require the most advanced testing technologies to match those in
high-speed mechanical systems. He has published over 100 archival simulation which are driven by continuing advances in computation
journal papers and 120 conference papers. His individual research technology. The lecture draws on examples spanning more than half
funding exceeds $10M from a range of federal and industry spon-