Page 27 - ASME SMASIS 2017 Program
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Exhibitors & Sponsorships



                                                                               Fort Wayne Metals: Experts in precision materials.

TREK, INC.                                                                     Fort Wayne Metals looks back on a long history of supporting critical
190 Walnut St.                                                                 applications around the world. Over the last half century, we have grown
Lockport, New York 14094 USA                                                   from a small U.S.-based medical wire producer focused on serving the
                                                                               medical device industry to an expert manufacturer of wire-based precision
TREK, INC. is a premiere designer and manufacturer of high-voltage             materials with over 1,000 employees, and facilities and sales offices in the
power amplifiers for piezoelectric-driving, material poling,                   Americas, Europe and Asia.
electrorheological fluid and electroactive polymer applications. In
ferroelectric material characterization Trek’s amplifiers sweep voltage        Fort Wayne Metals routinely works with stainless steel, cobalt-chrome,
across the material while monitoring the current required in order to          titanium, Nitinol and high-performance alloys. We offer access to an
measure the material’s electrical characteristics and hysteresis. In piezo     unparalleled breadth of materials, including round wire, flat wire in a
and EAP research, the amplifier controls the strain or position of a piezo or  variety of shapes, rod, strands, cables, metal-on-metal composites,
EAP actuator by controlling voltage across the actuator.                       stranded torque tube and more.

Trek’s amplifier capabilities include voltage to 120kV peak-to-peak,           We are FDA registered and ISO 9001, AS 9100C and ISO 13485 certified.
current to 25A peak, bandwidth to 3MHz, and noise < 0.005% of full scale.
The company also offers electrostatic measurement instrumentation for          FWMETALS.COM
precise control of electrostatics or for monitoring/management of ESD. For
more information go to WWW.TREKINC.COM.                                        SPONSORSHIPS



IOP Publishing

IOP Publishing provides publications through which leading-edge                General Motors Corporation
scientific research is distributed worldwide.                                  Welcome Dinner Sponsor

Beyond our traditional journals programme, we make high-value scientific
information easily accessible through an ever-evolving portfolio of books,
community websites, magazines, conference proceedings and a multitude
of electronic services. Visit us at HTTP://IOPPUBLISHING.ORG/

                                                                                                        ME Magazine
                                                                                                        Media Sponsor

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