Page 51 - ASME SMASIS 2017 Program
P. 51

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 19 • 3:40PM - 5:40PM

3:40pm                           4:00pm                                           4:20pm                     4:40pm                  5:00pm                         5:20pm

SYMP 6-5: BIOLOCOMOTION II	                                                       3:40pm - 5:40pm	                                                                  Lobby Level, Wasatch A

Session Organizer: Aimy Wissa, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, United States

Session Co-Organizer: Jovana Jovanova, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia (Yugoslav Rep)

Coupling of Two Resonant         Optimization of Spatially         Optimization of a Forward-        A Biomimetic Robotic Arm        Modelling and Control of a     Flapping Wing of Micro Aerial
Modes for Insect Wing            Distributed Contact-Aided         Swept Compliant Mechanism         Utilizing a Tensegrity Elbow    Starfish Appendage Actuated    Vehicles at Very Low Reynolds
Mimicking in a Flexible-Wing     Compliant Mechanisms in a         Technical Publication.            Joint and Pneumatic Artificial  by Pneumatic Artificial        Numbers Laminar flow
NAV and Generate Lift            Dynamic Structure                 SMASIS2017-3843                   Muscles                         Muscles                        Presentation Only.
Technical Publication.           Technical Publication.                                              Presentation Only.              Presentation Only.             SMASIS2017-3769
SMASIS2017-3770                  SMASIS2017-3842                   Joseph Calogero, Penn State       SMASIS2017-3872                 SMASIS2017-3997
                                                                   University, University Park, PA,                                                                 Abduljaleel Altememe,
Damien FAUX, IEMN,               Joseph Calogero, Penn State       United States,                    Jacob McCullum,                 Thomas Pillsbury,              Oliver Myers, Clemson
Valenciennes, France,            University, University Park, PA,  Mary Frecker, Pennsylvania        Norman Wereley, University of   Norman Wereley, University of  University, Clemson, SC,
Olivier Thomas, Arts Et Metiers  United States,                    State University, State           Maryland, College Park, MD,     Maryland, College Park, MD,    United States
Paristech / LSIS, Lille, OO,     Mary Frecker, Pennsylvania        College, PA, United States,       United States                   United States
France,                          State University, State           Zohaib Hasnain, University of
Grondel Sebastien, Iemn          College, PA, United States,       Maryland, College Park, MD,
Doae, Valenciennes, France,      Zohaib Hasnain, University of     United States,
Eric Cattan, IEMN-DOAE,          Maryland, College Park, MD,       James Hubbard, University of
Villeneuve D Ascq, France        United States,                    Maryland, Hampton, VA,
                                 James Hubbard, University of      United States
                                 Maryland, Hampton, VA,
                                 United States

SYMP 7-8: DESIGN OF INTERFACE CIRCUITS	                                           3:40pm - 5:40pm	                                                                  Lobby Level, Wasatch B

Session Organizer: S. Nima Mahmoodi, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Session Co-Organizer: Soobum Lee, UMBC, Baltimore, MD, United States

Experimental Investigation for   Self-Start Piezoelectric Energy
Enhancing the Output Power       Harvesting Circuit with
of a Piezoelectric Energy        Adjustable UVLO Converter
Harvester                        for Wireless Sensor Network
Technical Publication.           Technical Publication.
SMASIS2017-3741                  SMASIS2017-3796
                                                                                                                             Technical Sessions
Anahita Zargarani, S. Nima       Hyun jun Jung, University of
Mahmoodi, University of51        Maryland, Baltimore County,
Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL,         Baltimore, MD, United States,
United States                    Soobum Lee, UMBC, Baltimore,
                                 MD, United States,
                                 Hamid Jabbar, Se Yeong
                                 Jeong, Tae Hyun Sung,
                                 Hanyang University, Seoul,
                                 Korea (Republic)
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