Page 56 - ASME SMASIS 2017 Program
P. 56

Technical Sessions


1:40pm                              2:00pm                                                   2:20pm             2:40pm                                3:00pm
                                                                                                                                                     Lobby Level, Superior B
SYMP 3-11: MORPHING SYSTEMS DESIGN AND CONTROL	                           1:40pm - 3:20pm	
                                                                                                                                                        Lobby Level, Maybird
Session Organizer: Austin Phoenix, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, United States

Session Co-Organizer: Eun Jung Chae, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

A Comparative Study of a Morphing   Multidisciplinary Optimization of     Exploitation of a Morphing Trailing   Morphing High-Temperature
Wing                                a Highly Loaded Tethered AWE          Edge Architectures to Small Aircraft  Surfaces for Shapeable Hypersonic
Technical Publication.              Morphing Wing                         Technical Publication.                Waverider Vehicles
SMASIS2017-3833                     Presentation Only. SMASIS2017-3828    SMASIS2017-3889                       Technical Publication.
Eun Jung Chae, Amin Moosavian,      Urban Fasel, Dominic Keidel, Giulio   Gianluca Amendola,
Daniel J. Inman, University of      Molinari, Paolo Ermanni, ETH Zurich,  Antonio Concilio, Ignazio Dimino,     Austin Phoenix, Jesse Maxwell,
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI,            Zurich, Switzerland                   CIRA - Italian Aerospace Research     Gabriel Goodwin, U.S. Naval
United States,                                                            Centre, Capua, Caserta, Italy,        Research Laboratory, Washington,
Alexander M. Pankonien, Air Force                                         Rosario Pecora, Francesco Amoroso,    DC, United States
Research Laboratory,                                                      University of Naples “Federico II”,
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH,                                                 Naples, Naples, Italy
United States

SYMP 5-6: DAMAGE PRECURSOR	                                               1:40pm - 3:20pm	

Session Organizer: Daniel Cole, US Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, United States

Session Co-Organizer: Garritt Tucker, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, United States

Tapered Test Specimen for Rapid     Microstructure Sensitive NDE          Probing the Electromechanical         Embedded Sensing of Damage in
Damage Precursor Identification     Coupled with Machine Learning         Response and Incipient Damage         Composite Structures
Technical Publication.              Algorithms as a Bridge between        of Hierarchical Nanoporous Metal      Presentation Only. SMASIS2017-3900
SMASIS2017-3780                     Damage Diagnostics and Prognostics    Foams with Atomistic Mod-eling
                                    Presentation Only. SMASIS2017-3835    Presentation Only. SMASIS2017-4006    Asha Hall, Mulugeta Haile, Michael
Todd Henry, Robert Haynes,                                                                                      Coatney, Natasha Bradley, U.S. Army
Mulugeta Haile, Michael Coatney,    Brian Wisner, Sara Schlenker,         Garritt Tucker, Colorado School of    Research Laboratory, Aberdeen
US/ARL, APG, MD, United States,     Krzysztof Mazur, Nextor Castaneda,    Mines, Golden, CO, United States      Proving Ground, MD, United States,
Daniel Cole, US Army Research       Antonios Kontsos, Drexel University,                                        Jin Yoo, U.S. Naval Surface Warfare
Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving        Philadelphia, PA, United States                                             Center, W. Bethesda, MD, United
Ground, MD, United States,                                                                                      States,
Volker Weiss, Syracuse University,                                                                              Oliver Myers, Clemson University,
Syracuse, NY, United States                                                                                     Clemson, SC, United States
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