Page 22 - ASME IDETCCIE 2017 Program
P. 22
Keynote Sessions
AVT KEYNOTE The specific academic contributions of Dr. Xin Guan include:
Monday, August 7 • Established, in 1993, the State Key Laboratory of Automotive Simulation
11:00am–12:00pm and Control at Jilin University and successfully developed the first
vehicle driving simulator with an investment of more than 25 million
Room 24
Chinese Yuan. The simulator was designated as one of the top in Asia,
Xin Guan and has been successfully applied to the development of more than
Jilin University 10 independent vehicles in China.
• Created a unique vehicle dynamics with stick-slip friction model, wheel
carcass dynamics, and dynamic steering system model. The model
“Cyber Proving Ground for Intelligent Vehicle on Driving Simulator” successfully solves shortcomings with the classic model, which is not
accurate when simulating high-speed steering, shimmy, and other
Abstract: I Intelligent vehicles present a new research and development transient processes.
frontier in the automotive industry given the likelihood an intelligent vehicle • Investigated a universal driver model that integrated controls of the
will become available in the near future. The validation, verification, and longitudinal and lateral motion of vehicles, which can be used for various
calibration of intelligent vehicles are costly, time-consuming, and risky driving simulations of intelligent vehicles. The model gives a unique
when carried out with an actual car in real environments. Consequently, innovation scheme that complies with level 3+ intelligent vehicles.
using a driving simulator as the cyber-proving-ground offers a better way
to validate, verify, and calibrate intelligent vehicles. This presentation will
describe the means of using a driving simulator for intelligent vehicles AVT KEYNOTE – MILLIKEN AWARD LECTURE
being developed at Jilin University, and addresses the challenges of cyber
proving ground on simulating the complexities of the stochastic driver and Tuesday, August 8
vehicle traffic within the traffic environment. In addition, this presentation 9:10am–10:50am
explores the theory and test methodology of how drivers receive cues for Room 24
following, safety, efficiency, and lawful driving style. It also discusses how Martin Jones
a statistical database for driving styles of Chinese drivers is established
(using a large number of experiments) with consideration of drivers’ Moog Industrial Group
operation time-history signal and physiological and psychological states.
In addition, it describes the modeling of the complex traffic environments
and the dynamic simulation methods. This presentation also includes a “Tracing the Origins of the Automated ‘Fly-By-Wire’ Technology Used in
discussion of how the stochastic driver-model was established using the Contemporary Formula 1 Cars”
statistical characteristics of driving behaviors to represent the group of
drivers. With this model, the behavior of realistic anthropomorphic vehicle Abstract: The lecture starts with a review of the early work done on vehicle
traffic was accurately simulated. Research on the virtual sensors is also stability done at CAL in the 1950’s by Bill Milliken and his colleagues made
presented along with a quick-culling model to simulate the camera and possible by then recent developments in hydraulic technology. It moves
radar and to obtain objects from the cyber-proving-ground. Finally, an on to describe the subsequent development of active suspension and
intelligent vehicle controller was integrated with the cyber-proving-ground associated systems by Lotus Engineering and Team Lotus in the early
driving simulator and successfully calibrated. The method offers 1980’s and the widespread adoption of this technology by Williams GP
considerable savings of money and time and avoids the numerous trials and the other F1 teams around 1990. At this point there is a brief analysis
and safety risks associated with field testing. of why hydraulic technology has been used almost universally in these
Biography: Professor Guan currently serves in several key positions in the applications despite dramatic developments in electric motor performance.
Chinese automotive sector, including the Vice-President of the Society of After a review of the automated systems or ‘driver aids’ used on the current
Automotive Engineers of China, the editorial board of the International crop of Formula 1 and WEC cars, the lecture concludes with a description of
Journal of Vehicle Performance, the Director of the Automotive Dynamics other applications of F1 miniature hydraulics, Namely: Autonomous Robots,
Branch of the National Automobile Standardization Committee, the Jilin America’s cup yachts and Oil & gas exploration.
Provincial Government Counselor, and the leading expert of the overall Biography: Martin Jones works as Motorsport Market Manager for the
group of 863 major projects of the Chinese Ministry of Science and Moog Industrial Group in the UK-where he is responsible for the
Technology. Prof. Guan served as Dean of the College of Automotive development & technical support of Moog’s global motor racing business.
Engineering of Jilin University from 2004 to 2012, and the Director of the He studied Physics and Economics at the University of East Anglia and
State Key Laboratory of Automotive Simulation and Control from 1996 to subsequently Control Engineering at Bath University. In a career of over 35
2015. He has received three first-prize awards for provincial scientific and years at Moog he has been instrumental in the design and development of
technological achievements. In addition, he received the Golden Bull many automated actuation systems including:
Award of National Key Laboratory Program provided by the Ministry of • Wave compensated hoisting systems for offshore cranes.
Science and Technology in 2008, the China Automobile Industry Youth
22 Science and Technology Award in 1998, and the China Science and • Active suspension and satellite guidance systems for agricultural
Technology Outstanding Achievement Award from GM in 1996. vehicles.