Page 27 - ASME IDETCCIE 2017 Program
P. 27
Keynote Sessions
Monday, August 7 Monday, August 7
11:00am–12:00pm 11:00am–12:00pm
Room 26 A Room 13
Roger D. Quinn Arvind Raman
Case Western Reserve University Purdue University
Animals as Models for Robot Mobility and Autonomy: Crawling, Walking, “Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging and Spectroscopy of Soft Matter and 27
Complex Materials Enabled by Nanomechanics and Microcantilever
Running, Climbing and Flying – Case Western Reserve University Dynamics”
Biologically Inspired Robotics Abstract: “To engineer the tools of scientific discovery” has been described
as one of fourteen grand challenges for engineering by the US National
Abstract: The capabilities of current mobile robots pale in comparison to Academy of Engineering. Since it’s invention more than thirty years ago the
those of most animals. The goal of our research is to bridge this gap by Atomic Force Microscope has proven to be such a tool, continuing to have
studying animal systems and applying these designs and even their a transformational effect on materials engineering and nanoscience. It’s
materials to robots to improve their mechanical designs, autonomous ability to “mechanically” image features smaller than one nanometer on a
behaviors, locomotion, and energy efficiency. We are using multiple vast variety of samples in liquids, gases, or in vacuum remains unmatched
complementary approaches. In one approach the fundamental principles by the best optical or electron microscopes.
of insect locomotion are applied using existing technologies and in a
simplified manner. Their motor control is also simplified and the agility of We discuss recent advances in two challenge areas for the atomic force
these vehicles makes them suitable for many applications such as microscope – one in the imaging and force spectroscopy on soft materials
amphibious operations and search and rescue. This abstracted approach such as polymers and live cells, and the second in the sub-surface imaging
has also been used to develop a small fixed-wing vehicle called MALV of complex materials such as nano-composites. Both advances rely on
(micro air and land vehicle) that flies, lands and crawls. Using a more direct significantly improved modeling of tip-sample nanomechanics and
approach we are developing other robots including a moth-like robot with understanding its effect on microcantilever vibrations. In the former, new
compliant, flapping wings that mimic those of the animal. We have also contact mechanics models that explicitly take into account local relaxation
developed a number of robots with multi-segmented legs mirroring those and surface forces are needed and their influence on microcantilever
of animals. For these robots, we are developing synthetic nervous systems dynamics need to be interpreted. In the latter, computational models of
for their control based upon animal neurobiology. We are also developing electrostatic and stress interactions in the sub-surface need to be coupled
structurally soft worm-like robots, which crawl via peristaltic waves, for to microcantilever observables to enable non-destructive sub-surface
pipe inspection and, when made compact, within the body. Robots with reconstruction in complex materials. Both computational and experimental
a human in the loop for basic control decisions are limited in their results are presented.
movements in complex terrain because of sparse sensory data and limited
communications. Some autonomy is essential for their agility. Insect Biography: Dr. Arvind Raman is the Robert V. Adams Professor of
neurobiology and behavioral experiments are being used to develop Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University. His research focuses on
decision making strategies. Our autonomous Snowmower, benefits from applications of nonlinear dynamics, vibrations, and fluid-structure
a distributed control architecture similar to that found in animals and will interactions in nanotechnology/MEMS/NEMS, manufacturing, and
eventually implement an animal-inspired brain. In still another approach, biomechanics. He has mentored twenty-two PhD students, co-authored
teaming with the Case bio-fabrication group we are developing small more than a hundred and thirty peer-reviewed journal articles, held visiting
robots using organic materials. positions at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain), University of
Oxford (UK), and Technical University Darmstadt (Germany), and secured
Biography: Roger D. Quinn is an Arthur P. Armington Professor of funding from the NSF, NIH, NASA, NNSA, and several national and
Engineering at Case Western Reserve University. He joined the Mechanical international industrial sponsors. He is an ASME fellow, an ASME Gustus
and Aerospace Engineering department in 1986 after receiving a Ph.D. Larson Memorial Award recipient, Keeley fellow (Wadham College,
(1985) from Virginia Tech and M.S. (1983) and B.S. (1980) degrees from the University of Oxford), College of Engineering outstanding young
University of Akron. He has directed CWRU Biologically Inspired Robotics investigator awardee, and a NSF CAREER awardee.
since its inception in 1990. His research, in collaboration with biologists, is
devoted to the development of robots and control strategies based upon Professor Raman joined Purdue University in 2000 as an Assistant
biological principles. Dozens of robots have been developed to either Professor following a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of
improve robot performance with biological principles or model animal California at Berkeley advised by Prof. C. D Mote Jr. (1999), MS in
systems. He has authored more than 250 publications and 9 patents on Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University (1993), and a B. Tech in
practical devices resulting from his work. His biology-engineering Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
collaborative work on behavior based distributed control, robot autonomy, (1991). He was promoted to Associate Professor (2005), full Professor
human-machine interfacing, soft robots, and neural control systems have (2009) and named the Robert V. Adams Professor of Mechanical
each earned awards.