Page 32 - ASME IDETCCIE 2017 Program
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Panel Sessions


    CIE-27-1 – INDUSTRY PANEL                                                                        Brian Thompson

    Collaborative Engineering During the Age of Digitalization?                                      The Impact of Physical/Digital Convergence on Engineering
                                                                                                     As New technologies are speeding the convergence of the physical and
                                                                               Monday, August 7      digital worlds creating a broad array of new possibilities and challenges for
                                                                                9:10am–10:50am       engineers and their design tools. The proliferation of IoT connected
                                                                                                     products, democratization of augmented and virtual reality, and the rise of
                                                                                             Room 4  additive manufacturing for production part are just a few examples. These
                                                                                                     digital/physical boundary-crossing technologies are already changing our
    This industry session focuses on transformative changes to engineering                           Computer-Aided Design and Product Lifecycle Mnagement tools, as well as
    practice resulting from disruptive technology and evolving business needs.                       how engineering, manufacturing and service professionals work with data.
    For example, from a technology perspective, developments in 3D printing                          This presentation will explore the current and future impacts as these
    and internet of things are motivating manufacturers to invest in new                             boundary-crossing technologies continue to gain momentum in
    product design approaches. The new technologies both expand and                                  organizations around the world.
    change engineering priorities needed to ensure structural integrity, product
    reliability, and greater flexibility to deliver more individualized products.

    From a business perspective, a growing number of stringent yet varied                            Angela Harris
    regulations across global markets increase the demand for greater                                Ford Motor Company
    traceability through digital threads. The greater demand for individualized
    products heightens the need for systems-centric approaches to designing                          Influence of Emerging Trends on Technology Development for Vehicle
    easily configurable products from product platforms. Increasingly,                                Interior Environments
    engineers will also need to engage in engineering for agile manufacturing,                       In a rapidly changing automotive market influenced by societal and
    delivering factory layouts and equipment designs that enable rapidly                             technological trends, an OEM’s ability to connect with customers and
    reconfiguring processes and equipment layouts to deliver more products in                         deliver holistic experiences that meet their needs is essential. Systems
    smaller batches. The trend towards more individualized manufacturing and                         engineering, interdependency linkages and the integration of customer
    service of products further heightens the need for digital threads to record                     feedback throughout a technology’s development cycle is required to
    and trace changes. There is also growing interest high fidelity computer                          effectively bring early concepts and ideas to implementation in Ford
    models of products throughout their service life called digital twins                            vehicles. The acceleration of customer driven technologies must still be
    Manufacturers intent for digital twins to document product changes and                           balanced with the stringent requirements auto manufacturers face for
    support decision making throughout product lifecycles.                                           performance, cost, weight, regulations and environmental impact. This talk
                                                                                                     will focus on several examples within Ford Research that highlight how the
    PANELISTS                                                                                        customer mind-set and emerging trends is changing the development
                                                                                                     process of novel materials and interior technologies.
    Marc Halpern
    Gartner, Inc.                                                                                    CIE-28-1 – PANEL

    The Impact of Digitalization on Engineering and Design Priorities                                From a Researcher/Technology Developer to an Advanced Technology
    Digitalization is compelling new product development leaders to rethink                          Visionary/Facilitator – A Perspective
    priorities for technologies to adopt and challenging them to change
    multiple facets of engineering organizations, practices, processes. This                                                                                                    Monday, August 7
    presentation summarizes findings from hundreds of manufacturers across                                                                                                        2:00pm–3:40pm
    more than ten industries and offers recommendations to navigate the                                                                                                                        Room 3
    changing engineering landscape.
                                                                                                     In this session panelists from government, academia, and industry will
    Vijay Srinivasan                                                                                 share their career experiences about how they progressed from individual
    National Institute of Standards and Technology                                                   researchers to lab directors and respected research leaders who select
                                                                                                     research areas for their organizations to pursue and work to transition
    Metrology in the Age of Digitization of Manufacturing                                            research results to develop new technologies and products. Panelists will
    As manufacturing is getting digitized, the demand for measurements in                            also discuss their current research and how it is being used to facilitate the
    manufacturing has grown in scope and complexity. The growth of Internet                          advancement of the current state of the art in their individual fields.
    of Things (IoT) makes it easier to collect and communicate data, but
    challenges remain in ensuring the quality of such data and in our ability to
    process that data. In this talk I will outline some of the metrology problems
    NIST tackling with industry, with particular focus on computational
    coordinate metrology.

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