Page 33 - ASME IDETCCIE 2017 Program
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Panel Sessions


PANELISTS                                                                     In the context of the above issues, the talk will present two relevant
                                                                              research projects that UCLA’s Smart Grid Energy Research Center (SMERC)
Richard A. Vaia                                                               has been involved with.
Wright-Patterson AFB
                                                                              Jay Lee
Aerospace Materials: Disrupting the Supply Chain                              University of Cincinnati
Materials are key to the fruition of revolutionary technologies, and thus
future capability. They are the stuff that engineers innovate with, and thus   Trends and Recent Advances of Industrial Big Data Analytics, AI, and
must be risk-reduced and available in the supply chain to impact cutting      Cyber Physical Systems for Smart Manufacturing Transformation
edge concepts. Understanding what factors into the business case and          Industrial Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning, and Cyber Physical
what are the competing technologies is foundational to the success of         Systems are changing the way we design product and service systems.
military R&D laboratories in guiding development of new materials and         It is clear that as more sensors and smart analytics software are integrated
manufacturing – design tools within the defense ecosystem. Not only           in industrial products and manufacturing systems, predictive technologies
experience, but an active partnership with academic science through           can further learn and autonomously optimize productivity and performance.
research and system engineering is paramount in balancing an R&D              This presentation will address the trends of predictive big data analytics,
organization’s investment between long-term competency development            AI, and CPS for future smart industrial transformation. First, predictive
and product demonstration.                                                    analytics, AI, and Cyber-Physical System (CPS) enabled industrial systems
                                                                              will be introduced. Second, advanced predictive analytics technologies for
Eric Wong                                                                     self-aware industrial systems with case studies will be presented. Finally,
Raytheon Corp.                                                                Dominant Innovation methodology will be introduced using case studies.

Robust Design for Advanced Microelectronic Packages                           Amit Bagchi
As electronic system become more complex, the ability to maintain the         Naval Research Laboratory
structural integrity of the system while protecting the sensitive electronic
components is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve and to evaluate.       A Machine Tinkerer, A Technocrat, An Inventor – Journey of One
Current advances in microelectronics package design will be reviewed.         Mechanical Engineer
Methods that have been developed which couple computational analysis          Abstract Not Available at Press Time
with statistical methods to evaluation these designs and systematically
identify critical design and process parameters will be presented. The        DEC-4-2 – PANEL
benefits of the implementations of these methods to the development of
robust microelectronic package designs will be demonstrated.

Rajit Gadh                                                                    To Be a Makerspace or not to be: Maker Space and Machine                                        33
University of California – Los Angeles                                        Shop Synergies

Smart Grid via Distributed Coupling of Solar Photovoltaics, Electric                                                                                     Monday, August 7
Vehicles, and, Battery Energy Storage Systems                                                                                                                        Room 23
The North American electric grid today is witnessing the fastest pace of
change since its creation about one hundred years ago. States such as         Some Mechanical Engineering Departments may be finding themselves at
California have seen a substantial rise in the amount of energy generated     crossroads between more open maker spaces and traditional machine
from solar photovoltaics (PV) on rooftops. These renewable energy             shops, where access is often restricted. While each of those spaces has
resources, being intermittent, can potentially destabilize the grid when      very specific purposes, this panel will examine maker spaces as a learning
scaled up to the level of the entire grid. Electric vehicles (EVs) are being  environment and how they are integrated across the fabrication continuum
added at a significant pace in California thereby increasing the load on the   at universities. The panel will start with each panelist introducing the maker
grid at various times of the day. While they may be considered as a load,     space and/or machine shop facility at their institution and any special/
their batteries may be exploited as battery energy storage system (BESS)      unique aspect that they may have. Then we will continue with some of the
devices thereby becoming an asset to compensate for the instability           following questions:
resulting from intermittency caused by renewables. The continuous decline
in the cost of solar PV and lithium ion batteries for EVs is expected to      • What is the future of maker spaces, and how are students from
further propel their growth resulting in further increase in complexity of       traditional engineering backgrounds benefiting from them?
balancing the demand and supply of electricity. Management and control
of each of these distributed energy resources (DERs) – generation, storage    • How do traditional machine shops fit in the picture? Should shops pivot
and consumption – is a major area of research for the UCLA Smart Grid            away from “production” mentality and embrace rapid prototyping?
Energy Research Center (SMERC). The integration of advanced                      Can traditional shops and maker spaces mutually co-exist? And how do
technologies, consumer preferences and innovative pricing models to              (or should) we overcome the tinkering stereotype for maker spaces?
address the above opportunities and challenges would achieve a modern
grid that allows for higher penetration of renewables, increase in the        • What are the state of the art technologies that can enhance the
number of electric vehicles, higher energy efficiency, improved grid               effectiveness of a fabrication spaces that includes a maker space and
security and resiliency, and, reduced outages.                                   a machine shop?
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