Page 35 - ASME IDETCCIE 2017 Program
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Panel Sessions
CIE-7-1 – PANEL John Michopoulos
Naval Research Laboratory
Additive Manufacturing in Aerospace, Defense and Automotive
Industries: Status and Promises Biography: As the head of Computational Multiphysics Systems Lab at the
Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) at Washington D.C., Dr. Michopoulos
Tuesday, August 8 oversees multi-physics modeling and simulation research efforts, including
8:00am–9:00am establishing the science behind additive manufacturing processes and
Room 5 linking performance to material properties through mechatronic/robotic
data and specification-driven methodologies. He pioneered the develop-
This CIE-AMS panel will discuss the opportunities and challenges on ment of the robotic multiaxial testing for the data-driven inverse multi-scale
designing and developing new components with high quality for characterization of anisotropic materials. He is currently the principle
aerospace, defense, and automotive industries using various 3D printing investigator of a new grand challenge effort on “The Science of Layered
or additive manufacturing (AM) technologies. AM offers numerous Deposition Processes for Novel Materials” involving four divisions at NRL.
advantages including the capability of producing sophisticated and His participation in this panel will reflect his insight as developed
customizable components, multi-material utilization, reduction in throughout this program.
production time and flexibility to be used for the variety of repairs, and
freeform fabrication. In particular, the industries also want to explore new He has authored and co-authored more than 260 publications and is
designs for functional components and sensors for Industry 4.0 and the co-inventor of 9 inventions. He is a fellow of the ASME and has been
Internet of Things using AM technologies (Design for AM). These design honored with numerous international and national awards including the
methods need to be applicable to not only future products, but also current P.S. Theocharis award from the National Academy of Athens, the 2014
products. And this research provides an indication of the “optimal” design Innovator of the Year award from Wolfram Inc, the 2015 Research
for a given product with respect to cost, including quality control, materials, Excellence award by ASME’s CIE division and several best paper awards
features, manufacturing, testing and inspection, maintenance, etc. The from the ASME’s CIE division for papers presented in CIE conferences.
panelists will focus one R&D investments in public-private partnerships,
R&D Roadmap, market maturity, industry best practices, the role of He holds a M.Sc. in Civil Engineering and a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics
standards in AM, and quality control management. and Mechanics from the National Technical University of Athens, and has
pursued post-doctoral studies at Lehigh University on computational multi-
field modeling of continua and Fracture Mechanics.
Timothy W. Simpson Smart and Connected Vehicles – Coming Soon to a Place Near You!
Penn State University
Tuesday, August 8
Biography: Dr. Simpson is the Paul Morrow Professor of Engineering 11:00am–12:00pm
Design and Manufacturing at Penn State. He has affiliations in Information
Sciences & Technology and Architecture and is the co-Director of CIMP-3D Room 5
( He has been PI or Co-PI on over $25M in funding for We live in a connected world today surrounded by a network of personal
his research in additive manufacturing and 3D printing, product family and mobile devices, electronic gadgets and appliances, smart buildings, and
product platform design, and multidisciplinary design optimization, and he finally automobiles – seamlessly connected and integrated into a smart
has published over 300 peer-reviewed papers and edited two textbooks. technology ecosystem called the Internet of Things (IoT). With a variety of
He has collaborated on projects with a variety of companies, including infotainment services and connected car applications for drivers, the
Bayer Material Science, Boeing, GE, GM, LG, LORD Corporation, automotive industry is becoming an IoT champion. However, IoT has a
Schlumberger, United Launch Alliance, United Technologies, and Volvo. bigger role in the automotive industry than just enhancing end customer
He teaches courses on Mechanical Design, Industrial Systems Design, experiences. This panel will focus on how IoT is revolutionizing traditional
Concurrent Engineering, Product Family Design, and Additive auto manufacturing processes such as design, material, assembly, and
Manufacturing. He is a recipient of the ASME Ben C. Sparks Award, the quality control – while also enabling personalized in-car experiences and
ASEE Fred Merryfield Design Award, and a NSF Career Award. He is a services that enhance the connected lifestyle of customers, including their
Fellow in ASME and an Associate Fellow in AIAA. He is Chair of the ASME broader safety, health and wellness. The panel will include members from
Design, Manufacturing, and Materials Segment Leadership Team and is both industry and academia who would share their visions as well as foster
Past Chair of the ASME Design Engineering Division (DED) Executive lively discussions on the growing importance of IoT in various domains of
Committee. He helped ASME launch the Innovative Additive Manufac- the transportation industry over the coming years, especially as self-driving
turing 3D (IAM3D) Design Challenge in 2014 and served as Chair of the cars hit the road.
Executive Advisory Committee for the 2015 and 2016 ASME Additive
Manufacturing and 3D Printing Conference. He received his Ph.D. and 35
M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Tech and his B.S. in
Mechanical Engineering from Cornell.