Page 40 - ASME IDETCCIE 2017 Program
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Special Sessions


DFMLC-13-1: LIGHTNING TALKS ON THE                                                              Samantha Janko
SUSTAINABLE DESIGN FRONTIER                                                                     Arizona State University
                                                                                                Design of an Agent-Based Technique for Controlling Interconnected
                                                                           Monday, August 7     Distributed Energy Resource Transactions
                                                                                       Room 22  Mengqi Hu
                                                                                                University of Illinois at Chicago
This lightning talk session provides a brief overview of the broad range                        A Guided Particle Swarm Optimizer for Distributed Operation of Electric
sustainability papers from the DAC, DTM and the DFMLC conferences. The                          Vehicle to Building Integration
purpose is to quickly raise audience awareness of the sustainability work
going on across the IDETC conferences, and build a cohesive community                           Aditi Verma
in design for sustainability. Each speaker will present a five minute, timed                     MIT
15 slide overview of their full length IDETC presentation. A broad range of                     Origins of Design Principles: The Case of Nuclear Reactor Design Projects
cutting edge, interdisciplinary topics relevant to sustainable design will be
presented.                                                                                      Michel-Alexandre Cardin
                                                                                                National University of Singapore
The talks will range from design principles to data analytics, smart systems,                   Flexibility and Real Options Analysis in Design for Long Term Generation
formal methodology, tools, domain modeling, experimental studies,                               Expansion Planning of Power Grid Systems
educational issues and industrial practices. Specific topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:                                                                Chris Mattson
                                                                                                Brigham Young University
         • Sustainable design principles                                                        A Simple Starting Point for Designing for and/or Assessing the Social
                                                                                                Impact of Products
         • Sustainability of advanced manufacturing technologies
                                                                                                Chris Mattson
         • Social factors in design and manufacturing                                           Brigham Young University
                                                                                                Towards a Universal Social Impact Metric for Engineered Products That
         • Sustainability of energy systems                                                     Alleviate Poverty

         • Innovative life cycle assessment models

         • Environmental sustainability awareness

         • Smart systems for sustainability

INVITED SPEAKERS                                                                                MSNDC-17-1: AUTONOMOUS AND
                                                                                                CONNECTED VEHICLES
Steve Manieri
Universita’ Degli Studi Di Parma                                                                                                                                          Tuesday, August 8
A Life Cycle Model to Assess Costs and Environmental Impacts of Different                                                                                                    2:00pm–5:40pm
Maritime Vessel Typologies                                                                                                                                                          Room 26 A

Amos Winter and Guillermo F. Diaz Lankenau                                                      *1st half of this session includes the Lyapunov Award Lecture/Keynote
MIT                                                                                             (see page 28)
Design of an Integrated Cotton Picking System for Small-Scale Indian
Agriculture                                                                                     The special session on “Autonomous and Connected Vehicles” features
                                                                                                invited presentations by experts in the field.

         Jungfeng Ma                                                                            INVITED SPEAKERS
         Mississippi State University
         An Experimental Study of Additive Manufacturing Energy Consumption                                                Joshua Every

         Marcos Esterman                                                                                                   Transportation Research Center Inc.
         Rochester Institute of Technology
         Implementation of an Object-Oriented Life Cycle Assessment Framework                   Vehicle Automation – Beyond the PR
         Using Functional Analysis and Systems Engineering Principles                           Vehicle automation systems stand to change many aspects of our society,
                                                                                                including a fundamental change in how we approach mobility. There is a
         Cassandra Telenko                                                                      growing public perception that vehicle automation is a solved problem;
         Georgia Tech                                                                           though, there remain significant unanswered questions between the state
         Finding Causality in Socio-Technical Systems: A Comparison of Bayesian                 of the art and the future. An overview of the on-going activity in this space
         Network Structure Learning Algorithms                                                  provides insight into the current state of automated driving, with a focus on
                                                                                                discussing unsettled topics in this area.
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