Page 39 - ASME IDETCCIE 2017 Program
P. 39

Special Sessions


An inventor himself, Mr. Vecchione is named on multiple U.S. patents and                                  Kathleen Callaghy
patent applications related to imaging, image processing, and nano-bio-
polymer and telecommunications technologies. He was twice a finalist for                                   Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves
the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year award and received a DEMO
God award from the prestigious DEMO organization. He is a member of the        Cooking in Crisis: Energy Access for Displaced People
American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Association for       Over 125 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance today.
Computing Machinery, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics           A robust community of international aid agencies and NGOs exist to
Engineers (IEEE). He is also a member of the IEEE Spectrum editorial           provide refugees and IDPs, and other crisis-affected people with food,
advisory board.                                                                shelter, medicine, and other essential supplies – but what about access
                                                                               to energy and fuel? Dry rations provided by humanitarian agencies must be
LIGHTNING TALKS                                                                cooked for long periods of time before they can be eaten, yet efficient
                                                                               cookstoves and fuel are rarely provided. As a result, families are often
                           Karl Schmitt                                        forced to spend their meagre income on cooking fuel, and many resort to
                                                                               skipping meals, undercooking, and other negative coping strategies to
                           Caterpillar Inc.                                    reduce costs. Women and children often risk their safety, health, and
                                                                               sometimes their lives to collect firewood in remote areas – only to cook
Caterpillar Microgrids – Powering Communities and Industry                     over smoky, polluting fires. In an era of unparalleled human displacement,
With more than 1.2 billion people lacking access to power, the global          amidst concerns about global climate change, what can engineers do to
Microgrid Market is expected to surpass $35 billion by 2022. Companies         help bring clean, safe, reliable energy access to people impacted by crisis?
like Caterpillar who understand distributed generation have played a           Kathleen Callaghy from the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves will
critical role in the development of this highly innovative market. The Cat     provide an overview of existing efforts to increase energy access for
Dealer Network now offers microgrid solutions to remote communities and         displaced people, with an emphasis on cookstoves and fuels, and provide
a variety of industries by leveraging technology from other markets (and       some “food for thought” on how engineers can contribute.
products). This talk will discuss Caterpillar’s role in developing the market
and the various technologies it deploys through the Cat Dealer Network.        Biography: Kathleen Callaghy is the Program Associate for the Humani-
                                                                               tarian program at the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (Alliance), a
Biography: Karl Schmitt has over 15 years of distributed generation            public-private partnership hosted by the United Nations Foundation. Since
experience within Caterpillar and the Caterpillar Dealer Network. His          2015, she has been helping to implement the Alliance’s goal of reaching
career has focused on power systems product support and renewable              the world’s most vulnerable populations with clean and/or efficient cooking
energy management. Karl is currently responsible for deployment of             solutions. Kathleen coordinates the Alliance’s co-leadership of the Safe
microgrid solutions via the Global Caterpillar Dealer Network. Previously,     Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) Humanitarian Working Group, a
he developed and led Empire Southwest’s (Empire-Cat) renewable energy          consortium of agencies working to facilitate a more coordinated,
efforts as General Manager of Empire Renewable Energy, LLC. Empire              predictable, timely, and effective response to the fuel and energy needs of
Renewable Energy focused on providing turn-key photovoltaic systems            crisis-affected populations. Prior to working with the Alliance, Kathleen
to commercial and industrial clients. During his tenure at Empire he also      served as Program and Operations Coordinator for CLASP, an appliance
led the Power Systems service department. Karl started his career at           standards and labeling non-profit, where she coordinated the activities of
Caterpillar, Inc as both a service and product support field manager with       CLASP’s country offices in India, China, the US, and the EU. Kathleen has a
an assignment as a Six Sigma Black Belt. He earned a degree in                 background in international peacebuilding, with a Masters in Comparative
Manufacturing Engineering at Missouri University of Science and                Ethnic Conflict from Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland, and a BA
Technology (formerly University of Missouri-Rolla) and an MBA from the WP      in Government and Legal Studies from Bowdoin College.
Carey School of Business at Arizona State University.

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