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Special Sessions


    DFMLC-12-1: NSF CAREER PROPOSAL                                                                                            Richard Malak
                                                                                                                               National Science Foundation
                                                                         Wednesday, August 9
                                                                                8:00am–11:40am      Biography: Dr. Richard Malak currently serves as Program Director for the
                                                                                           Room 21  ESD, SYS and DEMS programs in the Division of Civil, Mechanical and
                                                                                                    Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) of the National Science Foundation.
    This workshop, integrated with the Design for Manufacturing and Life Cycle                      He holds an academic appointment at Texas A&M University where he is
    (DFMLC) Technical Conference, will provide an opportunity for PhD                               Associate Professor and Morris E. Foster Faculty Fellow I in the Department
    students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty to learn how to frame research                      of Mechanical Engineering. His personal research interests include
    objectives and develop research plans in ways that lead to competitive                          decision making in systems engineering and computational design
    research proposals, particularly for submission to the National Science                         methods. He holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from SUNY Stony Brook,
    Foundation. Participants will have the opportunity to interact with NSF                         an MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon
    personnel directly, and obtain an accurate concept of the distinctions                          University, and MS and PhD degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the
    between competitive and non-competitive research proposals. Students                            Georgia Institute of Technology.
    and faculty at all stages of their careers are likely to benefit from this

    INVITED SPEAKERS                                                                                INDUSTRIAL COLLABORATION PANEL

                               George Hazelrigg                                                                                                                          Wednesday, August 9
                               National Science Foundation, CMMI                                                                                                                             Room 1

    Biography: George Hazelrigg enjoyed designing and building things when                          Industrial development efforts, like technical work in other venues, can
    he was young, so he decided to go to college to study engineering.                              benefit from multiple approaches to design optimization or technical issue
    He obtained a BS in mechanical engineering from Newark College of                               resolution. Leveraging creative approaches from multiple communities,
    Engineering (now New Jersey Institute of Technology) and went to work                           disciplines, and technical backgrounds may produce better, more robust
    for Curtiss-Wright. There, he found that his education had utterly destroyed                    product designs, resolve issues, or otherwise improve process and product
    his abilities to do engineering design. So he felt it necessary to get a                        development for the benefit of a company. Corporate budgets are typically
    master’s degree. He completed an MS in mechanical engineering, also                             constrained, and it is expensive to keep a varied technical staff on hand
    from NCE, but still hadn’t regained his design abilities. While getting his MS,                 just in case the latest technical challenge requires or could possibly benefit
    however, he did some teaching and liked it. So he figured that, if he                            from a particular approach or technical perspective. On the other hand,
    couldn’t do design, the next best thing would be to teach it. Five years                        university faculty represent an enormous pool of deep technical expertise
    later, he had obtained MA, MSE, and PhD degrees in aerospace                                    in a wide spectrum of engineering and science disciplines. Furthermore,
    engineering from Princeton University. Now, in addition to not knowing                          faculty members who work on industrial problems may benefit from their
    how to do design, he couldn’t teach it either. For the next 25 years, he                        perspective and insights gained through their involvement in product
    roamed industry and academe in an attempt to understand the theory of                           development initiatives and issue resolution. How specifically can a
    engineering design, including time spent at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,                      company benefit from involving academic researchers in their product
    General Dynamics, Princeton University and a consulting firm of which he                         development efforts? What benefits do academic researchers gain from an
    was a co-founder. He also spent a year in Korea helping to found the                            association with industrial development? What are the difficulties and
    Systems Engineering Department of Ajou University. He joined the National                       challenges inherent to building cross-community teams? This panel
    Science Foundation in 1982 and, in 1996, became program director for the                        discussion will attempt to address these questions through presentation of
    Engineering Design program where, for eight years, he provided support to                       particular examples of company and university joint work.
    others in the field. In January, 1996, he did a stint as Station Science Leader
    of the U.S. South Pole station. In 2004, he became Program Director for the
    Manufacturing Machines and Equipment program and, since the formation
    of the CMMI Division, he has been Deputy Division Director. For relaxation,
    he spends his weekends soaring over the Shenandoah Valley, and he is a
    certified flight instructor in gliders (CFI-G) with about 1,900 total flying

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