Page 47 - ASME IDETCCIE 2017 Program
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Workshops & Tutorials
settings. These approaches may make use of CooL:SLiCE and/or other W9: EFFECTIVE TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION: THE ASSERTION-
cyberlearning tools using a constructionist learning approach to EVIDENCE APPROACH
supplement conventional engineering education. Participants will work in
groups to develop plans for implementing these approaches in their own **Pre-Registration / Approval is required to participate in this workshop.
settings. Participants are recommended to bring a laptop with an internet
connection for the working sessions. Sunday, August 6
<< CANCELLED >> Organizer/Presenter: Michael Alley, Pennsylvania State University
Organizer/Presenter: Raghu Echempati, Kettering University Abstract: The goal of the workshop on Effective Communication: The
Assertion-Evidence Approach is to provide a professional development
Abstract: The workshop focuses on the teaching and learning (T&L) of experience and opportunity for community and networking within the
lightweight technologies using non-ferrous materials such as aluminum and Design Engineering Division (DED) of ASME that supports and mentors
other non-metals. Basic mechanical and material properties, manufacturing underrepresented groups. The workshop is designed to provide graduate
processes, design aspects and design guidelines along with several real students and faculty members with professional development activities and
life examples and applications of aluminum alloy materials commonly used to give them the opportunity to make connections with an international
in automotive and other applications will be discussed. The workshop is network of supportive researchers in their field. In addition to skill
suitable for audience with associate degree, 4-year engineering degree or development, this workshop will support the development of a network
to postgraduate students and practicing engineers. Tips to faculty of people within the community from underrepresented groups and
interested in developing a course on this theme will be provided. Also, tips others who are interested in supporting the inclusion and growth of
for using ‘Blended learning’/‘Flipped class room’ will be provided and underrepresented groups within ASME DED and their success. This
discussed. Finally, assessment tools such as homeworks, exams and final workshop will be the eighth annual workshop event of the Broadening
project will be presented and discussed. Participation Committee of the ASME DED.
W8: SUCCESS AS A STUDENT RESEARCHER: MAXIMIZING YOUR From an audience’s perspective, many presentations in science and
PRODUCTIVITY AND EFFICIENCY engineering suffer because the talks are unfocused. This lack of focus
leads to much noise, which reduces the understanding by the audience.
Sunday, August 6 Much of the problem arises from speakers following PowerPoint’s defaults
1:00pm–5:00pm and building their talks on phrase headlines supported by bulleted lists.
This workshop presents the assertion-evidence approach (http://www.
Room 15 to designing scientific presentations. In this
*Students Only – No Charge approach, the speaker builds the talk on key messages supported by
visual evidence. Our research has found that assertion-evidence talks are
Organizers/Presenters: Scott Ferguson, North Carolina State University more focused and much better understood by audiences. In addition,
Bryony DuPont, Oregon State University our students (even those initially nervous about making presentations)
report that using the assertion-evidence approach has given them more
Abstract: The objective of this workshop is to create a forum for students confidence. To this workshop, participants are encouraged to bring a
attending the IDETC/CIE conferences to learn about and discuss research laptop and to create a couple of slides beforehand for their research using
practices that maximize productivity and research efficiency. Faculty and the following tutorial:
Ph.D. students from the design community will present best practices and
ways to identify/avoid the common pitfalls that students face. Topics will Participants will also receive a free copy of the book: The Craft of Scientific
range from research skills (e.g., how to conduct a literature review, how Presentations by Michael Alley: http://www.craftofscientificpresentations.
to develop a research plan) to social skills (how to work with your com
lab-mates, how to build research networks). Discussion will take place
via presentations and open question/discussion periods. It is expected
that student attendees will also have opportunities to build cross-university
relationships and ramp up their excitement for the conference.