Page 48 - ASME IDETCCIE 2017 Program
P. 48

Workshops & Tutorials


T1: MODELING NONLINEAR DEFLECTIONS IN COMPLIANT                                                 much more satisfied if things meet their intrinsic motivations. We have been
                                                                                                trying to meet their expectations, based on extrinsic motivation, i.e., as
MECHANISMS                                                                                      rewards or as products. But if we pay more attention to their intrinsic
                                                                                                needs, we can satisfy our customers more with less time and efforts. We
                                                   Sunday, August 6                             should pay more attention to process values and we should consider how
                                                                                                we can get our customers involved in product development.

                                                               Room 13

Organizer/Presenter: Guimin Chen, Brigham Young University

Abstract: After reviewing the fundamental beam theories, this tutorial will                     T4: DESIGN OF MULTIBODY LEGGED ROBOTS
discuss major challenges in modeling nonlinear deflections in compliant
mechanisms, recently developed methods and their use for kinetostatic                                                                  Sunday, August 6
modeling of compliant mechanisms.                                                                                                      8:00am–12:00pm

                                                                                                                                                   Room 13

T2: ACTIVE DISTURBANCE REJECTION CONTROL: AN EMERGING                                           Organizers/Presenters: Ferdinando Cannella, Italian Institute of
INDUSTRIAL CONTROL TECHNOLOGY                                                                                                  Giovanni Gerardo Muscolo, Italian Institute of
                                                                           Sunday, August 6                                    Technology
                                                                             1:00pm–5:00pm                                     Mariapaola D’Imperio, Italian Institute of
                                                                                       Room 19                                 Technology

Organizer/Presenter: Zhiqiang Gao, Cleveland State University                                   Abstract: The Tutorial aims at giving the attendees; a practical knowledge

Abstract: In control theory, disturbance rejection is one of many competing                     on modelling legged robots. Nowadays: bipeds, quadrupeds, hexapods,
control design objectives, including command following, robust stability,                       etc. are quickly becoming an important part of the mobile mechanisms,
noise sensitivity, etc.; in practice, however, it is often THE design objective                 then it is important to have the basics in their modelling.

that is front and center in the mind of design engineers. This workshop

provides an opportunity for students, researchers and practitioners to see

how the control problems in a particular domain of applications are                             T5: DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF DNA ORIGAMI MECHANISMS

reduced to their essence, i.e. disturbance rejection, and what tools are                                                               Sunday, August 6

available at our disposal to solve these problems. Through the exposition                                                              1:00pm–4:00pm

of the basic design principles and how they are applied in the context of                                                                                                 Room 21

engineering problem-solving, this workshop provides the audience with a                         Organizers/Presenters: Haijun Su, The Ohio State University
comprehensive understanding of Active Disturbance Rejection Control                                                            Carolos Castro, The Ohio State University
(ADRC). The short simulation code will enable the participants to quickly

test the idea of ADRC and to make seamless the integration of ADRC with Abstract: DNA origami nanotechnology is a recently developed self-

the domain knowledge and skills of a particular engineering branch. It is                       assembly process for design and fabrication of complex 3D nanostructures

through such integration that users of ADRC, most likely the practicing                         using DNA as a functional material. This tutorial covers some recent

engineers and applied researchers, will be able to take advantage of it                         progress in applying DNA origami to design kinematic mechanisms at

freely in solving the pressing problems of today.                                               the nanometer scale. These nanomechanisms, which we call DNA Origami

                                                                                                Mechanisms (DOM), are made by integrating relatively stiff bundles of

                                                                                                double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), which function as rigid links, connected

T3: NEW VALUE CREATION THROUGH EMOTIONAL ENGINEERING                                            by highly compliant single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) strands arranged
                                                                           Sunday, August 6     strategically to function as kinematic joints. The designs of kinematic
                                                                             1:00pm–5:00pm      joints including revolute, prismatic, cylindrical, universal and spherical are
                                                                                       Room 20  presented. The steps as well as the necessary software and experimental
                                                                                                methods for designing DOM with DNA origami links and joints are detailed.
Organizer: Shuichi Fukuda, Keio University                                                      To demonstrate the designs, we presented the designs of Bennett four-bar

Abstract: The goal of this tutorial is to share the basic idea how important                    and crank-slider linkages. These nanomechanisms can be a central part of
it is to pay attention to the psychological needs of our customers. In fact,                    nanorobots for applications such as targeted drug delivery, biosensing, and
diversification and personalization come from their expectations to satisfy                      nanomanucturing. We will also present a list of technical challenges and
their intrinsic motivations and their needs to grow. Emotion is, as their                       on-going efforts such as design automation and computational modeling.
etymologies indicate, very closely associated with motivation. One of the                       These challenges could also be opportunities for mechanism and robotics
imminent issues of engineering is how we can explore new markets. We                            community to apply well-developed kinematic theories and computational
have been trying to explore new markets by providing products with better                       tools to the design of DNA-based nanorobots and nanomachines.

quality or with new functions. But product quality is almost saturating and it

         becomes increasingly difficult for customers to recognize how much
48 improved their product quality is. And most of new functions are invented

from producer’s perspective. But psychology teaches us that people are
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