Page 52 - ASME IDETCCIE 2017 Program
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       Ali Hatamizadeh, Yuanping Song                                                          Giuseppe Rega
            and Jonathan B. Hopkins
                                                                                                          Sapienza University of Rome
                         University of California, Los Angeles
                                                                                               LYAPUNOV AWARD
                                                                            For life long contributions to the field of nonlinear dynamics.
For contribution to the state of the art in compliant mechanism theory or
application.                                                                                                 vvv

                                 vvv                                                            Alper Erturk

                   Kemper Lewis                                                                         Georgia Institute of Technology

                                    University at Buffalo                      C. D. MOTE JR., EARLY CAREER AWARD

          DESIGN AUTOMATION AWARD                                           Presented to an early-career recipient who demonstrates research
                                                                            excellence in the field of vibration and acoustics.
Recognizes sustained meritorious contribution to research in Design
Automation                                                                                                   vvv

                                 vvv                                                         I. Y. (Steve) Shen

                  Alice M. Agogino                                                                     University of Washington Seattle

                          University of California at Berkeley                           N. O. MYKLESTAD AWARD

  DESIGN THEORY METHODOLOGY AWARD                                           In recognition of a major innovative contribution to vibration engineering.

Recognizes sustained and meritorious contributions to research; education;                                   vvv
service; training of researchers or practitioners; overall leadership in
advancing the field of Design Theory and Methodology.                                      Vladimir V. Vantsevich

                                 vvv                                                             The University of Alabama at Birmingham

  Sreekalyan Patiballa and Girish Krishnan                                            THAR ENERGY DESIGN AWARD

                      University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign              The Award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions
                                                                            to the design research, innovation and product design in the areas related
               FREUDENSTEIN YOUNG                                           to energy engineering.
                INVESTIGATOR AWARD
Recognizes a paper that makes a significant original contribution to the
theory or practice of mechanisms and has the potential to enhance the                  AVT TECHNICAL COMMITTEE
public good.                                                                                 BEST PAPER AWARD

                                 vvv                                                Frederico Ballo, Giorgio Previati,
                                                                             Massimiliano Gobbi and Gianpiero Mastinu
                   Peter Sandborn
                                                                                                     A Semi-Analytical Tire Model for the
                         University of Maryland, College Park                                 Study of Tire/Rim Interaction on a Road Vehicle

            KOS ISHII-TOSHIBA AWARD                                                                          vvv

For sustained and meritorious contributions to design for manufacturing
and the life cycle.


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