Page 49 - ASME IDETCCIE 2017 Program
P. 49

Workshops & Tutorials



                    << CANCELLED >>                                            PROMOTING DATA INTEROPERABILITY ACROSS THE ENTERPRISE
                                                                                                                                                          Sunday, August 6
Organizer/Presenter: YangQuan Chen, University of California, Merced                                                                                        1:00pm–5:00pm
                                                                                                                                                                      Room 24
Abstract: This tutorial will give an introduction of a new emerging field of
study known as “fractional order mechanics (FOMech).” Fractional calculus      Organizers/Presenters: Kemper Lewis, University at Buffalo
is about differentiation or integration of noninteger order. Traditional                                       Barry Smith, University at Buffalo
calculus uses integer order differentiation or integration. As mechanics                                       Ram Sriram, National Institute of Standards and
goes into micro and nano world, more and more “anomalous” behaviors                                           Technology (NIST)
are being observed in materials such as porous medias, particulate                                            Dimitris Kiritsis, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de
systems, soft matters etc. The inherent nature of memory, or hereditary,                                      Lausanne
or long range dependence, or long range interactions in the mechanic                                          Ian Grosse, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
systems at the smaller scale prompts us to take a look of the modeling
tools we are using. It turns out that, using integer order calculus based      Abstract: The workshop will provide an overview of different aspects of the
tools may limit our insight into the mechanical behaviors at all micro, meso,  Industry Ontology Foundry (IOF). IOF is an initiative involving academic and
and macro scales. This workshop will focus on introducing “fractional order    industrial partners in a collaboration managed by NIST to create a suite of
mechanics (FOMech)” by covering 1) Motivations and real world needs;           interoperable, public, domain-ontology modules extending across major
2) Mathematical foundations; 3) Fractional mechanics in classical sense        areas of digital manufacturing. Modules under consideration/development
(Bagley-Torvik) (3) Fractional Euler Lagrange mechanics; 4) Fractional         include: Product Life Cycle, Core Product Model, Functional Basis,
variational principle.                                                         Materials and Material Attributes. In addition the IOF community is
                                                                               considering Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) as a unifying top-level ontology,
                                                                               and the workshop will include an introduction to the use of BFO in
                                                                               ontology alignment together with a series of presentations outlining the
                                                                               goals and initial test modules of the Foundry. Opportunities for interaction
                                                                               will be provided at every stage in the agenda.

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