Page 36 - ASME IDETCCIE 2017 Program
P. 36

Panel Sessions


    CIE-24-1 – PANEL                                                                                 Jannicke Baalsrud-Hauge
                                                                                                     Universität Bremen

    Advancement in Digital Technology Systems, Usage of VR and Tools for                             How VR is changing the Face of Engineering Processes Through
    Design Engineering                                                                               Integration and Collaboration
                                                                                                     Related to engineering and industrial design-integration of VR in the
                                                                              Tuesday, August 8      actually engineering process, has a lot of issues, since one needs to look
                                                                              11:00am–12:00pm        at the system and process integration, interaction with different systems,
                                                                                                     and the legal aspects that come into play. How VR can be integrated in
                                                                                             Room 3  education and training for production and logistics? As well as what we
                                                                                                     intend to do in collaboration with Industry for training in for example;
    The purpose of this VES panel is to encourage discussion and exchange                            picking and packaging and as a part of lean labs? In my talk I will also
    of views about current and new trends for Virtual and Immersive/Blended                          speak about a current VR-related research project ‘Beaconing’ on breaking
    Systems and the transference of knowledge over multiple domains.                                 educational barriers with contextualized pervasive and gameful learning
    As the market and/or industrial interest in virtual environments increase,
    new technologies and techniques are proposed. In recent years we have                            Theodore Lim
    observed a trend on the use of low-cost devices, sometimes taken from                            Heriot-Watt University
    the gaming industry in industrial applications.
                                                                                                     Challenges for VR in the Context of Industrial Design, Engineering and
    Furthermore, companies are investing billions into making immersive virtual                      Manufacturing
    worlds and augmented reality widely available to mainstream public in                            In recent years we have observed a trend on the use of low-cost devices,
    mass quantities (i.e., especially for “gamer” consumers but also a wide                          sometimes taken from the gaming industry in industrial applications.
    range of other applications). We have also seen a trend in customization.                        Furthermore, companies are investing billions into making immersive virtual
    Nowadays, thanks to the availability of 3-D AM technologies as well as                           worlds and augmented reality widely available to mainstream public in
    open-source electronic prototyping platform, custom interfaces can be                            mass quantities (i.e., especially for “gamer” consumers but also a wide
    easily designed and build.                                                                       range of other applications). We have also seen a trend in customization.
                                                                                                     Nowadays, thanks to the availability of 3-D AM technologies as well as
    In addition to the above, we have observed a shift of interest from Virtual                      open-source electronic prototyping platform, custom interfaces can be
    Environment to Mixed ones, sometimes called Augmented, sometimes                                 easily designed and build.
    named “Blended.” As the number of applications increases, new
    challenges are presented to the scientific community.

    The various issues and topics will be presented and discussed by the                             Robert Wendrich
    panel. Videos and demonstrators are part of this session. You are invited                        University of Twente
    and welcome to participate in this event.
                                                                                                     Challenges of Real and VR Worlds in the Context of Industrial Design,
    PANELISTS                                                                                        Engineering and Manufacturing
                                                                                                     We have observed a shift of interest from Virtual Environment to Mixed
    Pramita Mitra                                                                                    ones, sometimes called Augmented, sometimes named “Blended.” As the
    Ford Motor Company                                                                               number of applications increases, new challenges are presented to the
                                                                                                     scientific community. Synthetic computer environments, that enhance the
    How VR is Changing the Face of Automotive User Experience                                        designer’s seeing-drawing-feeling-sculpting and provide a system that
    VR Technology is transforming the way we experience and buy cars.                                extends the designer’s repertoire of physical and virtual prototypes,
    Recently there is an increased emphasis from all automakers of digitizing                        enhances their ability to explore them tangibly or virtually and bring them
    the dealership experience – for making car browsing and purchasing more                          in transaction with particular design.
    accessible and fun for consumers. VR allows users to take part in a virtual
    self-guided tour in learning about the various features, details, and options
    associated with a vehicle – and as well as virtually test drive their vehicle
    in a variety of environments. The same approach can be applied to other
    automotive learning scenarios, such as design, training and trouble-
    shooting assistance. Recently Mixed Reality (MR) solutions are also
    becoming popular for further augmenting the automotive user experience.
    MR allows for physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time
    – thus making the experience more human, interactive, and entertaining.
    This talk will discuss a few industry solutions to highlight how VR and MR
    technologies are changing the user experience in the automotive industry.

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