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Keynote Sessions


    (GRI) at Penn State. He had served two terms as an Associate Editor of the                     Professor Wang’s main technical interests are in structural dynamics and
    ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. He is also a past chair of the ASME                         vibrations. His work has created new emerging directions in the field via
    Power Transmission and Gearing Committee.                                                      exploring piezoelectric circuitry networks, multistable & metastable
                                                                                                   modular structures, fluidic cellular-composites and origami, and nano-
    Dr. Singh has authored numerous journal and conference papers and has 9                        composites. He has developed knowledge and methodologies to
    patents issued/pending. He has been recognized with the Boss Kettering                         synthesize novel adaptive structural systems for advancements in vibration
    Award, GM’s highest technical honor. He is a Fellow of the ASME.                               control and damping, vibration confinement and localization, vibration
                                                                                                   energy harvesting, damage identification, wave propagation tailoring,
    VIB KEYNOTE – DEN HARTOG AWARD                                                                 shape morphing, and energy trapping & absorption. Professor Wang is a
    LECTURE                                                                                        Fellow of the ASME, the Institute of Physics (IOP), and the American
                                                                                                   Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He has received
                                                                               Monday, August 7    numerous awards; including the SPIE Smart Structures and Materials
                                                                                9:10am–10:50am     Lifetime Achievement Award, the ASME Adaptive Structures and Materials
                                                                                                   Systems Award, the ASME N. O. Myklestad Award, the ASME Rudolf
                                                                                        Room 26 A  Kalman Award, the ASME Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Best
                                                                                                   Paper Awards, the NASA Tech Brief Award, and the SAE Ralph Teetor
                               K. W. Wang                                                          Education Award. He has delivered many Keynote/Plenary lectures at
                                                                                                   ASME, SPIE and AIAA conferences in the U.S., as well as at various
                               University of Michigan - Ann Arbor                                  international conferences in Europe and Asia.

    “Inspired by Nature – Adaptive Modular Metastructures”                                         Professor Wang has provided extensive service and leadership to the
                                                                                                   professional community. He has chaired the ASME Technical Committee on
    Abstract: During the past few decades, due to the advances in materials,                       Vibration and Sound, the ASME Mechanical Engineering Department
    electronics, and system integration technologies, structural dynamics and                      Heads Executive Committee, and various standing committees for the
    controls researchers in various engineering disciplines (e.g., aerospace,                      ASME. He has been a member of the ASME Design Engineering Division
    civil, mechanical) have been investigating the feasibility of creating                         Executive Committee and Technical Branch/Committee in Adaptive
    adaptive structures. The vision is to develop a multifunctional structural                     Structures in ASME and AIAA. He has organized and led various
    system that has various embedded and distributed autonomous functionalities,                   workshops and conferences, such as the SPIE Damping and Isolation
    such as vibration and stability controls, shape reconfiguration and morphing,                   Conference and the ARO Workshop on Smart Structures. He has been
    materials and mechanical property variations, energy harvesting, and                           involved in many editorial activities, including served as the Chief Technical
    health monitoring and healing. From a structural system point of view, one                     Editor for the ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics. He is currently an
    of the major challenges is on how to best synthesize the cross-field and                        Editorial Advisory Board Member for the Journal of Sound & Vibration, an
    local-global coupling characteristics of the various adaptive materials and                    Editorial Board Member for book series on Computational and
    elements to optimize the overall structure performance. In recent years,                       Experimental Methods in Structures, and an Associate Editor for the
    interesting approaches have been explored to achieve adaptive meta-                            Journal of Intelligent Material Systems & Structures.
    structures based on synergistic modular architectures, often observed in
    nature, such as in biological or atomistic systems. It is recognized that to
    achieve significant new advances in adaptive structural systems,
    researchers have to conduct even more cross talks among various fields.
    This presentation will discuss some of the recent interdisciplinary research
    efforts in synthesizing nature-inspired adaptive metastructures for
    structural mechanics, vibration and wave adaptation and controls.

    Biography: Dr. Kon-Well Wang is the Stephen P. Timoshenko Professor and
    Tim Manganello/BorgWarner Department Chair of Mechanical Engineering
    at the University of Michigan. He received his Ph.D. degree from the
    University of California at Berkeley in 1985, worked at the General Motors
    Research Labs as a Senior Research Engineer, and then started his
    academic career at the Pennsylvania State University in 1988. At Penn State,
    Professor Wang has served as, among others, the William E. Diefenderfer
    Chaired Professor in Mechanical Engineering, Director of the Structural
    Dynamics and Controls Lab, Associate Director of the Vertical Lift Research
    Center of Excellence, and Group Leader for the Center for Acoustics and
    Vibration. He joined the University of Michigan in 2008.

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