Page 29 - ASME IDETCCIE 2017 Program
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Keynote Sessions
Chairman of the Italian Committee of Professors of Solid and Structural Biography: Dr. Karsten Stahl studied mechanical engineering at the
Mechanics, he was President of AIMETA (Italian Association of Theoretical Technical University of Munich (TUM) and served as research associate at
and Applied Mechanics). Currently, he is Chairman of the EUROMECH the Gear Research Centre (FZG) at TUM. In 2001 he received his PhD
Nonlinear Oscillations Conference Committee, Italian Representative at degree (Dr.-Ing.) in mechanical engineering and started as gear
the IUTAM General Assembly, member of the Scientific Council of CISM development engineer at BMW in Dingolfing, where he became head of
(International Centre for Mechanical Sciences). He has served with major the group “Prototyping, Gear Technology & Methods” in 2003. 2006 Stahl
Archival Journals as E-i-C (Meccanica), current/past AE (Journal of Vibration changed to the BMW/MINI plant in Oxford, UK, becoming department
and Control, Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika/Chaos Solitons & leader “Validation Driving Dynamics and Powertrain.” In 2009 Stahl
Fractals, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, returned to Munich as manager for “Predevelopment and Innovation
Mathematical Problems in Engineering), and EB member (Nonlinear Management” within BMW Driving Dynamics and Powertrain in Munich.
Dynamics, International Journal of Dynamics and Control). He has
organized many International Conferences/Symposia in the broad area 2011 Karsten Stahl accepted a chair and became full professor at the
of nonlinear dynamics and control of mechanical and structural systems Institute for Machine Elements and director of the FZG with about 80
(EUROMECH Colloquia: 1994, 2009; IUTAM Symposia: 2003, 2010; associates, 50 of them PhD candidates, and more than 200 students.
7th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, 2011; scientific events Organized in 5 departments, Prof. Stahl’s research focuses on experimental
at ICTAM, ASME, EURODYN Conferences). Plenary/Keynote Lecturer at and analytical investigations of endurance, tribology, NVH, materials and
more than 20 International Conferences, he gave seminars at academic fatigue life analysis. In the focus of his research are components like
institutions all over the world. Honored with an International Conference cylindrical-, bevel-, hypoid- and worm-gears, clutches, synchronizers, rolling
at Virginia Tech, and a Special Issue of Nonlinear Dynamics for his 60th element bearings and drive systems.
birthday, and a Special Issue of International Journal of Non-Linear
Mechanics for his 70th birthday. Has published 142 papers in 50 different Prof. Stahl is board member of the WiGeP and several other scientific
Archival Journals, 74 Book/Edited Volume Chapters, nearly 100 Refereed associations, convener of ISO/TC 60/SC 2 working group 6, editor in chief,
Conference Proceedings papers, and has edited 4 Springer volumes and editor and associate editor of several scientific journals, president and
7 Special Issues in top-level Archival Journals. He has always paid a lot of scientific committee member of several national and international
effort in mentoring young students, many of whom are appointed at various conferences and holds the VDI ring of honor. He has published more than
Academic institutions, via also international collaborations. 100 scientific papers and presentations.
His main contributions to nonlinear dynamics are concerned with cable PTG KEYNOTE
dynamics, nonlinear oscillations, bifurcation and chaos in applied
mechanics and structural dynamics from macro- to micro-scale, reduced- Tuesday, August 8
order modelling, control of oscillations and chaos, exploitation of global 11:00am–12:00pm
dynamics for engineering safety, smart materials, coupled oscillators,
thermomechanical problems. He has used the combination of analytical, Room 16
computational, geometrical, and experimental techniques needed to
carefully detect and reliably characterize the variety of nonlinear and Avinash Singh
complex dynamic phenomena possibly occurring in different engineering Global Propulsion Systems General Motors
PTG KEYNOTE Monday, August 7 “Role of Transmissions in Enabling Vehicle Fuel Economy”
Karsten Stahl Abstract: In this presentation, some of the emerging trends in vehicle
Room 16 technologies will be reviewed. These trends are driven by fuel economy,
drivability, and safety challenges facing the automotive industry. Often
times, these technologies pose unexpected challenges for the automotive
transmission. The innovation needed within the transmission to enable
these technologies will be explored.
Technical University of Munich Biography: Dr. Avinash Singh is an Engineering Group Manager in the 29
Global Transmission and Electrification Advanced Engineering organization
“Role of Gears in Electrified Vehicles” of General Motors. He leads advanced technology development for all
Abstract: This presentation discusses the impact of increasing production Transmission and Electric/Hybrid Drive Unit Components and Subsystems,
volume of electrified vehicles on geared transmissions. Electrified vehicles including gear systems, continuously variable units, bearings, torque
impose special requirements on gears in the drive train. An outlook on converters, clutches, structures, and pumps.
chances and challenges of gears in an electrified mobile world is given.
Dr. Singh received his BS degree in Mechanical Engineering from IIT
Varanasi (BHU), India, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical
Engineering from the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. He currently
serves on the Board of trustees of the not-for-profit Gear Research Institute