Page 28 - ASME IDETCCIE 2017 Program
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Keynote Sessions


Engineering at Purdue University (2013). Since May 2014, he is the                 novel, enabling materials and the requisite processing techniques for
inaugural Associate Dean for Global Engineering Programs, leading                  micro- and nanoelectromechanical systems with an emphasis on
College strategic initiatives for global education, research, and                  applications in challenging environments.
engagement in Latin America, sub-saharan Africa, Middle East and North
Africa, and East Asia.                                                             MSNDC KEYNOTE – LYAPUNOV AWARD
                                                                                                                                                             Tuesday, August 8
                                  Tuesday, August 8                                                                                                            2:00pm–5:40pm
                                  11:00am–12:00pm                                                                                                                      Room 26 A

                                               Room 13                             *2nd half of this session includes the special session on Autonomous and
                                                                                   Connected Vehicles (see page 40)
Christian A. Zorman
Case Western Reserve University                                                                               Giuseppe Rega

                                                                                                              Sapienza University of Rome

“Integration of Process-Incompatible Materials for Microfabricated

Polymer-Based Neural Interfaces”                                                   “From Understanding Nonlinear Phenomena to Exploiting Global

Abstract: The desire to utilize microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)              Dynamics for Engineering Safety”

technology in applications where silicon is not well-suited has necessitated       Abstract” Understanding nonlinear dynamics phenomena in solid/structural
the development of materials not commonly used in IC processing. This              mechanics has required about forty years of intense theoretical and
talk presents an overview of several collaborative research projects to            applied research efforts, which can be tentatively framed within some
develop MEMS-based devices for long-term neural interfacing. These                 main stages of development. The first three of them encompass nonlinear
projects include: (1) development of a microfabricated cortical probe from         oscillations addressed through analytical methods, bifurcations and
a chemoresponsive, mechanically-dynamic, nanocomposite polymer, and                complex dynamics investigated via geometrical and computational
(2) development of a polymer-based thin film transfer technology for                techniques, experimental testing of the nonlinear response of small-scale
mechanically-flexible diamond-on-polymer microelectrodes. Both projects             models aimed at cross-validating theoretical and numerical outcomes. The
involved the use of materials that offered interesting opportunities and/or         first part of the talk overviews some relevant representative achievements,
challenges with respect to their mechanical properties. A central, unifying        by referring to the suspended cable as to a continuous/reduced-order
theme among these projects is the fabrication of key structural device             archetypal model, or an experimental system, exhibiting a satisfactory
components using newly developed materials and/or the fabrication of               variety of issues and phenomena typical of the nonlinear dynamics of
devices using materials that are incompatible with respect to the way they         smooth flexible systems with initial curvature.
are commonly processed.

Biography: Christian A. Zorman received a B.S. cum laude in physics and            The fourth stage of current development is characterized by a marked
a B.A. cum laude in economics from the Ohio State University in 1988,              hybridization of nonlinear dynamics with other theoretical and application
followed by M.S. and Ph.D. in physics from Case Western Reserve                    areas, which include control, consideration of also micro/nano, intelligent,
University in 1991 and 1994, respectively. He joined the MEMS program at           or coupled systems, and multiphysics problems. The second part of the talk
CWRU in 1994 as a Research Associate, was promoted to Senior Research              dwells on the role that nonlinear dynamics is expected to play in the near
Associate in 1997 and Researcher in 2000. From 2000 to 2002, he held an            future to meaningfully affect the analysis, control and safe design of real
appointment as Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical         engineering systems. Focus will be in particular on how to properly exploit
Engineering and Computer Science. He joined the EECS faculty at CWRU               concepts and tools of global dynamics for evaluating robustness and safety
in 2002 as an Associate Professor and currently holds an appointment as            of the response in presence of unavoidable imperfections, as well as for
Professor with secondary appointments in the Departments of Biomedical             controlling and possibly improving the system/structure load carrying
Engineering and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Dr. Zorman is                capacity, independent of its specific mechanical and dynamical features, of
also a Research Associate at the Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical                 its possible multi-dimensional character, and of the spatial scale of the
Center where he serves as Co-Director of Research and Scientific Affairs             relevant application.

for the Advanced Platform Technology Center of Excellence. He currently            Biography: Giuseppe Rega has been a Professor of Solid and Structural
serves as Faculty Director of the Microfabrication Laboratory at CWRU.             Mechanics at the Sapienza University of Rome from 1995 to 2016 and,

         Prof. Zorman has authored over 250 peer-reviewed technical publications,  formerly, at the University of L’Aquila, where he was the Head of the
         is a Senior Member of IEEE and chairman of the MEMS Technical Group in    Department of Structure, Water and Soil Engineering. He taught to students
         the American Vacuum Society. In 2009, Professor Zorman received the       in Civil and Mechanical Engineering, and Architecture, where he
28 John S. Diekhoff Award for Excellence in Graduate Mentoring, CWRU’s              established an innovative Master degree on Structures. At Sapienza, he
         highest honor in this area. His research centers on the development of    was Chairman of the Ph.D. Program in Structural Engineering, and Director
                                                                                   of the Doctoral School in Civil Engineering and Architecture. Former
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