Page 63 - 2016 NAmer Autumn TD
P. 63
B31.4 & B31.8, Liquids and Gas Failure Prevention, Repair and Life
Pipelines Extension of Piping, Vessels and Tanks
Pipelines are surprisingly varied and complex. Using the ASME B31.4 Purchasing, fabricating, maintaining and repairing equipment at the
and B31.8 Standards as a framework, this course also covers a large lowest possible cost while assuring non-failure are always a priority. The
number of other subjects vitally important to the safety and reliability of causes of damage and failure of piping, vessels and tanks are described
pipelines. It provides the attendee with broad, but detailed information throughout the course as well as how to prevent these incidents. The
that technical personnel involved in all phases of pipeline work, risk-based inspection planning process and inspection techniques for
from design and engineering through operations, maintenance, and operating equipment are also reviewed. Practical case studies and
regulatory oversight need to know to ensure that their pipeline is safe course material are used to illustrate how the ASME Post-Construction
and reliable. This course is suitable for those new to pipelines, as well and Fitness-for-Service codes should be applied to evaluate inspection
as providing a good refresher for experienced personnel. results and understand the technical basis and techniques for making
run-or-repair decisions to prevent failures of degraded equipment.
The B31.8 and B31.4 pipeline Standards are unique among piping
standards because they cover the entire life cycle, from design Participants are taught how to select the cost-effective and technically
and construction, through operation, maintenance, and integrity valid repair options, as well as their implementation, including design
management. Each standard contains introductory language that lays of the repair, field construction, examination as well as pressure or
out its intent and scope. leak testing). Participants will receive the textbook, Fitness for Service
& Integrity of Piping Vessels and Tanks by George Antaki, and the
The ASME B31 Code establishes a process of design for integrity that
involves classifying stresses by significance for failure, establishing codebook, PCC-2 Repair of Pressure Equipment and Piping.
maximum allowable limits to avoid failure, identifying loads and You Will Learn To
calculating the stresses that result, and comparing the estimated • Detect types and causes of failures
stresses to the maximum allowable. Students learn where these • Identify the differences between design code margins and fitness-for-
concepts came from and how to apply them. service margins
Each participant will receive copies of the ASME codebooks, B31.8 • Make run-or-repair fitness-for-service decisions
- 2014 Gas Transmission and Distribution and ASME B31.4 Pipeline • Explain the requirements of post-construction codes
• Explain how to make the right decision on equipment life extension
Transportation Systems for Liquids and Slurries.
• Analyze financial and technical considerations before you repair or PIPING AND PIPELINES Public Courses
replace equipment
You Will Learn To • Review repair options & techniques in accordance with ASME PCC-2
• Describe the basic elements of pipeline design, construction
and maintenance You Will Learn To
• Explain how to apply principles of safe pipeline design and operation
• Explain the causes and modes of pipeline failure Operators, manufacturers, design engineers, maintenance engineers and
• Describe the considerations for material specifications, pipe inspectors involved in repair of alterations of pressure vessels, boilers,
manufacturing, and pipe joinin piping and tanks
• Explain how to estimate pipeline stresses from external loadings
• Describe the factors that affect the optimal pipe size and Instructor Jim Meyer
operating pressure 4 Days, 3 CEUs, 30 PDHs
• Explain how to evaluate of pipeline defects Member $2,675 / List Price $2,875
• Identify pipeline repair techniques
• Identify the elements of pipeline integrity
• Explain how code requirements address pipeline issues
Who Should Attend
Anyone involved in engineering or technical aspects of pipelines,
including designers, engineers, engineering managers, construction
supervisors, operations supervisors, inspectors, code compliance
managers, asset integrity managers, pipeline safety regulators and
consultants. While engineering concepts are discussed, technicians
to managers can benefit.
Instructor Michael J. Rosenfeld ASME Book of Interest
3 Days, 1.9 CEUs, 19 PDHs
Member $2,150 / List Price $2,250 Mechanics of Drillstrings and
Marine Risers
Don W. Dareing
396 pp ISBN: 9780791859995
Print Book Member $119 / List Price $149
Order Number: 859995
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