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B31 Piping Fabrication
        B31.1 Power Piping Code                              and Examination

        PD013  ASME STANDARDS COURSE                        PD445  ASME STANDARDS COURSE

        This intensive, five-day course details the latest Power Piping Code   This course familiarizes participants with the rules of the B31 Code
        requirements – key elements in creating the more effective piping   sections (B31.1, B31.3, B31.5, and B31.9), which cover the various
        systems today’s competitive environment demands. It provides insight   Fabrication and Examination rules. The course also stresses the
        into how they have evolved and what future changes may be expected.  importance of the relationship of the Fabrication and Examination rules to
        Importantly, this course explores the background, rules and trends in   the design of the piping system. The presentation includes case studies
        piping design, analysis, and fabrication – all vital elements of power,   of problems that occur as a result of not understanding these rules.
        industrial and institutional plant construction and maintenance – within   Participants leave with insight into the reasons for the creation of the
        the context of meeting the requirements and intent of ASME B31.1 and its   B31.3 Fabrication and Examination rules as well as their applications.
                                                            You Will Learn To
        Each attendee will receive a copy of the B31.1 Power Piping codebook.
                                                            •  Describe materials selection and limitations
        You Will Learn To                                   •  Explain fabrication rules and their bases
        •   Explain the principal failure modes of piping components and where to   • Explain the differences between the B31 Code Sections
         look for them                                      • Identify welding qualification requirements
        •  Describe the difference between pressure component design and   •  Describe inspection, examination, and testing requirements
         structural design
        • Identify layout and simplified analysis techniques   Who Should Attend
        •  Explain how to qualify nonstandard fittings and joints and develop   Piping engineers and designers, fabricators and erectors, QA/QC
         stress intensification factors                     personnel, engineers and maintenance personnel
        •   Describe materials selection and limitations, fabrication rules and their
         bases                                              Instructor Philip D. Flenner
        •  Identify welding qualification requirements, along with inspection,   2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
         examination and testing requirements               Member $1,625 / List Price $1,725
        •   Identify the Code requirements for power piping maintenance                                           PIPING AND PIPELINES Public Courses
        Who Should Attend
        Engineers entering the piping design and analysis field; practicing piping
        engineers requiring background on Code compliance and trends in
        piping design, analysis and fabrication; piping fabricators and suppliers
        wishing to understand the relationship of fabrication and manufacture to
        the design and construction of piping systems; QA/QC personnel
        Special Requirements
        Attendees are required to bring a scientific calculator to the course.
        Instructors  Philip D. Flenner, Joe Frey, Ronald W. Haupt, Bob Wilson
        5 Days, 3.8 CEUS, 38 PDHS
        Member $3,195 / List Price $3,295

        See pages 90–95 for dates and locations of ASME Public Courses
        delivered in the USA during Autumn 2016.

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