Page 6 - pop program Final draftlaast
P. 6


      “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their
      entrances”, Ainsley my friend you’ve entered, played your part, and have left the stage. Those of us who
      knew him knew he played this stage well with his broad smile, infectious laugh, loving wet kisses, and
      unique sense of humor that took up the central part of this stage. It is with great sadness that I stand
      before you today to celebrate the life of my friend. Ainsley’s life was taken away from us too soon and it
      is hard to understand the reason.

      Ainsley Delroy Leslie affectionately called “Ains” was born in Westmoreland, Jamaica on April 15, 1947,
      to parents Linval Leslie and Dorine Hines. He grew up with his grandmother in Haddo who he was very
      fond of. His grandmother migrated to England, leaving him at a tender age which forced him to grow up
      sooner than was necessary. He taught himself everything from cooking to how to be a man. Even though
      Ainsley did not have a lot of formal education, he was very articulate and eloquent and had no problem
      presenting himself in a very professional way. He excelled at everything he touched. After leaving school,
      he relocated to the Montego Bay area in St. James. He started working at an early age of sixteen years old,
      by his account and held different positions with various organizations before joining the Jamaica
      Constabulary Force in 1972.

       In 1987, Ainsley migrated to the United States and worked for a large department store before joining the
      Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services in 1991. He retired in 2014.

                                                            He was a lover of the outdoors. Always trying to find some space where
                                                                   he could plant his tomatoes, okra, and herbs. Ainsley was a lover of
                                                                    life and he lived it to  the fullest. He was the best father one could
                                                                       ever have. Always gloating about his children and grandchildren.
                                                                      His  godchildren  (Devana Lindo, Justin, Eric and Jaison McIntosh)
                                                                                 were also a part of his life tremendously. And, he was actively
                                                                         involved in their lives. He was always worried about his family,
                                                                     constantly worrying about their well-being and future, even to the end.

                                                                      Ainsley was also an avid “cruiser” and on one of his many cruises,
                                                                     he met Hortensa “Jean” Dewalt, who he dated for a while and then
                                                                         asked for her hand in marriage. With this union, he gained two
                                                                additional children and four grandchildren. A beautiful blended family
                                                                         of six children and nine grandchildren who he was extremely fond of.

                                                                        They were married in 2007—where else—but on a ship. Ainsley
                                                                         spent a lot of time with his friends; friends who have become
                                                                          family. There was his annual men’s trip to Jamaica where the
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