Page 7 - pop program Final draftlaast
P. 7

Obituary Continued.

      women could never attend except for Lavonne who was considered one of the guys and was referred to
     as Ainsley’s deodorant. There were the couples’ cruises, the annual wedding Anniversary Celebrations,
     and our various getaway extended weekend trips. All these vacations were non-stop fun and laughter.
     Ainsley made them extra special.

     After their marriage, Ainsley relocated from the Bronx to Yonkers, courtesy of his wife, leaving behind
     several distraught friends in the Bronx. Upon retirement, he again relocated, this time to Fairburn, Geor-
     gia with his partner and best friend, Jean. He was so loved and missed that one of the couples, Lloyd and
     Debbie, moved to Georgia to be close to them. Lloyd and Debbie stepped in on behalf of all the friends in
     the Bronx and did all they could to provide the family with the support they needed during this time.

     Ainsley became ill shortly after retiring and was diagnosed with leukemia. His wife was always by his
     side and provided every support he needed. Within a short period of being diagnosed, he was hospital-
     ized and Jean was there every step of the way, day by day. His children flew in to help in his care. With
     his son, Mark, being so far away, this did not stop him from video calling to see about his father. Ainsley
     was so happy to know he had his wife and children by him in the latter days. He was able to express how
     happy that made him feel. He was always a fighter. During his years as a Police Officer in Jamaica, he
     survived two gunshot wounds and bounced right back. During his illness he was always worried about
     others, always putting others before himself. A good example: while in the hospital when the doctors and
     nurses came in to provide care to him, he would always inquire how they were doing. This was very
     important to him. On his good days, he would make sure to call his friends just to touch base and see if
     they were ok.

     Ainsley’s booming voice, infectious laughter, and beaming smile were the first things you noticed about
     him. Once you got to know him, you couldn’t help but be impressed and captivated by his integrity,
     honesty, humor, mischievous, and genuine ways. He was very caring, giving, responsible, and very
     resourceful. He was a husband, father, grandfather, brother, and a great friend who made anyone who
     became a part of his world a better person. There are several of these persons who are now left to mourn
     his passing and to rejoice and reflect on the legacy of his life of this great man. They include his lovely
     wife, Jean; his children Mark, Lorna (Chris), Sanshika (Lamont), and Lavonne; grandchildren Tia, Demar,
     Madison, Jianni, and Mylaah; step-children, Brent (Chevie) and Joan (XX) and their children, Keith-Jor-
     dan, Joel, Josh, and Jelani; godchildren, a host of siblings, numerous friends, and co-workers who must
     carry on and are now armed with the many memories of the time spent in the company of this extraordi-
     nary man.

     Walk good Ainsley, we loved you, we love you, and you will forever be a part of our journey.
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