Page 5 - Yazán_Mishel_Shame_by_Dick_Gregory_ArgumentativeGraphicOrganizer_Writing_II_Neat
P. 5

Name: Aracely Mishel Yazán Guamá             Date  30/12/2017

                                            Argumentative Essay Graphic Organizer

     Prompt: Re-read and analyze the passages/texts listed below. After reading the passages, write a well-developed, multi-
     paragraph essay that argues whether or not education leads to power. Use specific details from at least two of the texts
     we’ve read.

              Topic           Education and Power

      Target Audience (Mrs.  I will write my essay in formal language--no slang, no abbreviations, MLA format, and I will NOT
              Day)           use the word “I.”

      Claim (in essence, this  Receiving an education does lead to power, whether that power is used for good or bad.
      is your paper’s thesis)

             Reason  1

                               Often times those with an education abuse the power their education gives them.

                 Supporting Evidence                  Supporting Evidence                   Supporting Evidence

      “I stood up and raised my hand; What is   “Pressed us to her with the serious   “I did not understand what he was
      it now?’ ‘You forgot me?’ She turned    ways she read, to shove us away at    trying to explain to me, he was just
      toward the blackboard. ‘I don't have time   just the moment, like dimwits, we   trying to understand it. But he screamed
      to be playing with you, Richard’”         seemed about to understand”       and hit me when she lost her patience
      (Gregory).                                          (Walker).               teaching me, then she just told me fool
      .                                                                               and took me out of her class.”
                                                                                              (Jan Rebejk)

                   Commentary                            Commentary                            Commentary

      In “Shame,” the speaker is mistreated by  Walker’s character Dee is another   In this case, the excess authority went
      his teacher, a symbol of education.    example of someone who treats those  to another level because the teacher hit
      While she is educated and her job is to   with less education unequally.  She   him even though the child had trouble
      share education, she belittles Richard,   talks down to her mother and sister,   concentrating and understanding, the
      the uneducated.  His lack of knowledge   giving the impression that she believes  teacher acted as if he had more power
      makes her deem him unworthy of her    she is better than the two of them,   and was better than everyone.
      attention.                            that she has power over them.

                                                                                 Level 2 - Argumentative Essay Graphic Organizer
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