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Contact Us
In the local area: 901-372-8020
Toll-free outside of Memphis: 877-RDENT-4U
By email:
Check our up to date list of department contacts at:
Traditional Case Digital Case
1. Go to and click on Sending a case to R-Dent Lab has never been
Traditional Case Submission. Download and easier with digital scanning technology. Simply
complete the appropriate Rx form. visit and click on Send A Digital
2. Schedule your case. Use the online Impression, or turn to page 21 in this catalog and
form or call 877-RDENT-4U and speak find your scanner. Then, follow the instructions to add
with Customer Service. R-Dent as the default destination on your device. We
3. Choose your delivery method. Check support all major digital scanning platforms, including
the delivery map on page 23. If your
practice is within those areas, call the 3M™ True Definition Scanner, 3Shape TRIOS®,
877-RDENT-4U and schedule a iTero™, Carestream, Planmeca
pickup. If not, call for information PlanScan, and Sirona’s CEREC. See page 21 or
or visit our web site to download
FREE UPS shipping labels. Shipping for a complete list.
to and from the lab is always free when
working with R-dent! Traditional case information:
4. Fill out a doctor’s preference guide. Get $25 off
your next R-Dent case when including a completed Digital case information:
doctor preference guide with your case. Download, print,
and complete our preference guide by hand, or you may
fill out our editable PDF online and print the completed
form when you’ve finished.