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       Our INspireUT™ Ultra-Translucent FCZ is ideal for both
       anterior and posterior units, including up to 3-unit anterior
       or posterior bridges, and in some cases veneers. It is
       fabricated to provide smooth shade transitions, which mimic
       the appearance of natural tooth enamel, dentin, and
       cervical shades. Since the color progression is natural and
       undisrupted, there are no abrupt shade edges. Tooth-like
       preshading provides an efficient and economical process
       that eliminates the need for any staining procedures. It has   Strength and Translucency Comparison
       a flexural strength of 850 MPa, which is comparable to                 INspireUT™ is the perfect combination of strength & translucency
       alternative all-ceramic restorations.                              ®                  of all restorations offered at R-Dent. Our
                                                                                               block used is the strongest of all FCZ
       INspireUT™ can match all 16 VITA® Classical Shades. For                                      offerings in this new line!
       optimal esthetics, please provide the stump shade with                  Naturally Translucent
       each case.
                                                                               Highly Translucent
       We believe so strongly in the capabilities of INspireUT™ that
       it comes with a limited LIFETIME WARRANTY against materials             Translucent
       and workmanship.  Contact R-dent for all the details!

        NOTE:  Stump Shade Required
                                                                                             Incisal Zone
       Indications                                                                         Transition Zone
       •  Anterior & Posterior single units and bridges
          with any combination of abutments & pontics                                         Body Zone
       •  Inlay bridges                                       INspireUT™ Full-Contour Zirconia is a new gradient pre-shaded cubic zirconia disc featuring a
       •  Maryland-type bridges and screw retained bridges    one-of-a-kind new shading technology: With its unique four shading elements formulation, it is the
       •  Esthetic alternative to a PFM with metal occlusion  first pre-shaded zirconia offering inherent fluorescence for all shades•
          due to limited space

       Suggested Cementation
       May be cemented using a resin reinforced glass ionomer such
       as Relyx Luting cement. When a greater bond is needed do to
       the lack of a retentive preparation, use resin cement like Relyx
       Unicam or Relyx Ultimate.

       Insurance Codes
       D2740 Crown Porcelain/Ceramic Substrate                INspireUT™ Full-Contour Zirconia comes with a limited LIFETIME WARRANTY against
       D6245 Pontic Porcelain/Ceramic                         defects in materials or workmanship.  Contact R-dent Lab for the details!
       D6740 Abutment Crown Porcelain/Ceramic

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