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877-RDENT 4 U


                                                                       IPS e.max Press or IPS e.max CAD


      The most esthetic option for the anterior, and go to material for veneers!   R-dent   This innovative ceramic material provides highly esthetic results
                                                                 and, compared to other glass-ceramics, demonstrates a strength
      is both milling and pressing our e.max restorations.
                                                                 that is 2.5 to 3 times higher.

      IPS e.max Press                                            The material is used in conjunction with either e.max Press or e.max
                                                                 CAD restorations. In fact, R-Dent uses CAD/CAM technology for
      Monolithic lithium disilicate                              e.max Press by creating a digital file of restoration, printing the file, and
      restorations showing a
      life-like shade progression                                then pressing the restoration. This combines the added strength
                                                                 benefits of e.max Press with the preference predictability of e.max
                                                                 CAD.  Given the high strength of 360-400 MPa, the restorations offer
                                                                 flexible cementation options. Depending on the patient situation, the
                                                                 restorations may be veneered in a highly esthetic manner or, if
                                                                 fabricated as monolithic restorations, stained.

                                                                 Even if the preparations demonstrate a dark shade (e.g. as a
                                                                 result of discolouration or titanium abutments), all-ceramic
                                                                 restorations may be fabricated. Make sure to indicate the Stumpf
                                                                 Shade and then our highly trained dental technicians can select
      IPS e.max CAD                                              the IPS e.max  lithium disilicate material in the required opacity in

      The leading CAD/CAM                                        order to redesign the true-to-nature esthetic appearance.
      Lithium Disilicate
                                                                  NOTE:  Stump Shade Required

                                                                 •  Thin veneers (from 0.3 mm)
                                                                 •  Minimally invasive inlays and onlays
                                                                 •  Partial crowns and crowns
                                                                 •  Implant superstructures
                                                                 •  3-unit anterior/premolar bridges (only IPS e.max Press)
                                                                 Sugested Cementation
                                                                 Where preparation allows for dry field (supra-gingiva margins),
                                                                 R-dent recommends to use Adhesive bonding.   For areas
                                                                 subgingival, or when a dry field cannot be achieved, R-dent
                                                                 recommends a Hybrid Glass Ionomer cement system with less
                                                                 than 0.5% expansion.
                                                                 Insurance Codes

                                                                 D2740 Crown
                                                                 D2610 Inlay for 1 surface
                                                                 D2620 Inlay for 2 surfaces
                                   In recent years, R-dent has seen an  D2630 Inlay for 3 surfaces
                                   explosion of scanned impressions for   D2962 Labial Veneer
                                   fixed restorations - from 2% in 2010 to
                                   34% of our fixed restorations for 2017!  D2783 Crown 3/4 Porcelain Ceramic (does not include veneers)  9
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