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877-RDENT 4 U

                                                                                 Patient Specific

                                              Site-specific, custom milled implant abutments.

                                                                      R·dent Lab has been implant experts for over 30 years. Clinicians now
                                          R·dent Prefers              have more choices than ever when it comes to implant abutments...
                                      NobelProcera                    different materials, different coatings, off-the-shelf, pre-made
                                       Custom Abutments               abutments or custom patient-specific abutments.

                                                                      For  less-than-ideal cases, custom abutments give technicians the
                                                                      ability to create an ideal emergence profile that promotes healthy
                                                                      tissue development and to place margins uniformly below the gingiva.
                                                                      In addition, the use of a custom abutment allows corrections to  be
                                                                      made in angulation with anatomical structure for better support and
                                                                      crown retention.
                                                                      It’s important to note that the implant professionals at R-dent highly
                                                                      recommend using only OEM custom abutments on all implant cases.
                                                                      Many private label branded abutments have a poor track record when
                                                                      it comes to quality and long term esthetics.

                                                                      R·dent can create CAD/CAM custom abutments for practically any
                                                                      implant system. Using a combination of precision scanning
                                                                      instruments, sophisticated software and next-generation tools and
                                                                      techniques, we create precise custom abutments of unparalleled
                Stock Abutments             Custom Abutments          quality.  Since we fully understand the impact your abutment design
                                                                      will have on the final case outcome, both function and esthetically-
            Know the manufacturer - and warranty - behind any custom milled abutment.    based methodologies are incorporated in all design considerations.
            Many labs are using “house brands” that have been known to have poor
            interface connections and possibly cause microgap leakages. R·dent uses
            only high quality, name-brand milling centers, with strong warranties and   R-dent Advantages
            milled with the top milling equipment in the industry!    • Simple procedure - just take a fixture level impression and send to us
                                                                      • Possibility to create an anatomically optimal emergence profile
             Why Custom Abutments?                                      supporting long-term esthetics.
             Per recent FDA rulings, if stock abutments are modified, it could be a   • Margins can be placed at an ideal level for easy and safe removal of
                                                                        excess cement.
             violation of 510K provided by the manufacturer and subject to fines
             from the FDA.                                            • Abutment design gives optimal support and retention of the final
                                                                      • Eliminates the time needed for inventory management and any
                                                                        chairside modification.
                             R-dent Implant Tool Loaner Program       • Ask about the phenomenal warranty on Atlantis custom abutments
                                  R-dent’s implant tool loaner program    that not only covers the custom abutment, but the implant and final
                                helps insure you have the right tool for    restoration as well!
                                                                      • R-dent can accept scans from all digital impression systems for
                                   every case.  Don’t invest in tools you hardly     custom abutments cases.
                                   use... R-dent has the tools you need and
                                  you’re welcome to borrow them anytime!  Insurance Codes
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