Page 14 - RDCat-18-E
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Partials that contain metal clasps can be unsightly, causing many
patients to feel self-conscious about the way they look. Partials
utilizing cast clasps are becoming increasingly undesirable to
patients who want to limit the amount of metal in their mouth.
Valplast is the leading flexible nylon thermoplastic material for
removable partial dentures (RPDs) that is thinner and more
translucent than traditional partials. Valplast has been proven
time and time again. Doctors appreciate the minimal prep, easy
insertion and long term strength. Patients love Valplast's
metal-free comfort and natural appearance.
The tcs® Unbreakable Removable Partial Dentures are thin,
flexible, lightweight, and extremely comfortable. Patients love the
unparalleled simplicity, comfort and aesthetics. tcs® has become
the workhorse flexible acrylic RPD at R·dent. Acrylic denture
bases are hard and they can break.
And R-dent is here to help! We will Partials crafted with soft, tissue colored clasps are more
gladly provide you with a FREE Flexible comfortable and desirable to most patients - in fact, many
Partial Adjustment Kit with your first case. tell us they forget they’re wearing them!
It will give you the tools you need along
with tips and suggestions on making the
perfect chairside adjustments!
• Valplast/tcs/FRS partials can be repaired and
relined at the lab
• Thin, lightweight, flexible and very comfortable
• Blends naturally with the surrounding tissue and gums...
they’re practically invisible.
• Biocompatible, making them ideal for patients who are allergic
to monomers found in acrylic dentures.
• No tissue or tooth prep
• Unbreakable Did You Know... The most viewed
• Non-invasive. YouTube video on How To Adjust
Flexible Partials was produced by
Insurance Codes R-Dent lab! To date, it has been
D5211 upper viewed over 58,000 times!
D5212 lower Watch it here: