Page 18 - RDCat-18-E
P. 18
EMA Sleep Devices
Patient-friendly treatment solutions for snoring
and sleep-apnea
Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that occurs
when a person's breathing is interrupted during
sleep. People with untreated sleep apnea stop
breathing repeatedly during their sleep, sometimes
hundreds of times. This means the brain -- and the
rest of the body -- may not get enough oxygen. The
Myerson EMA sleep apnea appliance from R-dent
Lab is designed specifically to counteract the main Closed
cause of sleep apnea. airway
by soft
Two major design innovations of the EMA include tissues
the regulation of the amount of advancement and
freedom of mandibular motion. Bands of varying
elasticity move the mandible forward into the desired Appliance
position while allowing the jaw to move in all direc-
tions. This positioning of the mandible causes a Open, free
forward movement of the tongue, reopening the air flowing
flow through the oral pharynx. airway
• Patented design allows freedom of lateral mandibular
• Four different strengths of elastic straps match the
pull of the muscularture of the patient The Benefits of EMA
• Thermoformed custom trays limit tooth movement
• FDA approved
• Airflow through the oral pharynx is increased through • Vertically adjustable
either the advancement of the mandible, increased
vertical opening - or both • Titration 1mm adjustable
• Vertically adjustable
• Freedom of movement
• Maximum tongue space
Insurance Codes It is recommended - but not necessary - that your patients have a sleep study
D5999 Sleep Appliance done prior to prescribing these devices. Visit the manufacturer’s website, or ask
us about patient release form, it is recommended to have them signed
before delivery of final appliance. These devices, under certain circumstances,
can be filed under medical insurance.