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877-RDENT 4 U

                                                                       Committed To



                                                                       One of the definitions for the word Technology is this: “the
                                                                       application of sciences to industry or commerce.”                      That is exactly the direction taken by the leadership at R-dent lab.
                                                                       There is a consistent drive at R-dent to stay focused on not just
                                                                       the latest equipment, but on the best equipment to serve our
                                                                       customers.  There have been a lot of fads and poorly thought
                                                                       through concepts that have made it to the mainstream, but by
                                                                       maintaining relationships and having open dialogue with the
                                                                       technology leaders in the laboratory industry, we have been able
                                                                       to avoid being drawn into
                                                                       having the latest-and-
                                                                       greatest unless it has a
       Imes-icore 450i Mill, Imes-icore 240i Mill, and Lava Form Mill  solid benefit for doctors
                                                                       and their patients. Today,
         R-Dent techs book on                                          in our new, state-of-the-
       and off using smartpads,
        eliminating the need for                                       art facility in Memphis, Tennessee, you will find the best,most
       worktickets, and also for                                       efficient equipment. The time tested, open architecture software
       better viewing of images
           verses printed ones                                         allows us to be quickly compatible with over 95% of the milling
                                                                       and printing systems on the market, which means more options
                                                                       for you and your patients.

                       Two of our precision printers,                  Our recent installation of the Labtrac System means cases
                       the Roland DWX-51D (L) -
                       5-Axis Milling Machine and                      progress through the lab with digital information displayed on
                       the BEGO Varsero (L) used                       computer tablets instead of the traditional printed work tickets.
                       for partials and surgical guides
                                                                       This system also allows you to check the status of your restora-
                                                                       tion at any point during the manufacturing process.

                                                                       Dental technology could be described as the application of
                                                                       sciences to the dental industry, or simply R-dent Laboratory!

                                     High Tech
                                     digital scanning

                                                                  Our newest technology hardware, Carbon Speedcell™.
                                                                  Carbon works at the intersection of hardware, software
                                                                  and molecular science.  Harnessing light and oxygen to
                              CAD Software, allowing              produce objects from a pool of resin.  Carbon eliminates
                              customized preference               the shortcomings of conventional 3D printing.
                              settings for each doctor    19
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