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R-Dent Delivers

                                                                            Free Delivery On EVERY Case!

                                                                 Traditional case information:
                   Paragould                                     Digital case information:
                                                  Union City                R-dent Laboratory serves doctors from across the region
           Jonesboro                                                        and around the country. Whether your practice is in West
                                                                            Memphis, Arkansas;  West  Palm  Beach,  Florida;  West
        Trumann        Arkansas         Tennessee   Dyersburg               Covina, California; or any and every location in between,
               Lepanto                                                      R-dent lab will cover the cost of getting your case from
                                                                            your practice to our lab. And back again!
                                    Munford                                 The map on the left shows our local routes and major

                              Millington   Atoka      Jackson               pick-up points, but if you’re outside that area all you have
                                              Arlington                     to do is pick up the phone and call, or visit us online at
                                                                   click the Send A Case tab to sched
                                                                            ule a UPS pickup. It’s on us!
                W. Memphis                      Eads
                                                                            Did you know you can send your files digitally and
                       MEMPHIS                                              save even more? Call us for all the details!
                                                                            877-RDENT-4-U (877-733-6848)
                         Southaven        Olive Branch
                                   Mississippi                                      Corinth

                                                  Holly Springs
         To & From The Lab
                                                                   New Albany


         R-Dent Rewards Earn up to 3% back on your laboratory bill!

                                  R-Dent Dental Laboratory appreciates our customers, and we want to thank and reward you for your loyalty each
                                  month. That’s where our R-Dent Rewards come in. This is the most lucrative, flexible, and hassle-free rewards
                                  program in the dental laboratory industry today. Powered by TravelFlo, R-dent Rewards allows you to earn up to
                                  3% back on your lab bill toward travel and merchandise... and, you can start earning rewards immediately!

                                  R-dent Rewards can be redeemed for merchandise or any travel-related service you could purchase through a
                                  travel agency, such as:  • Airline Tickets  • Hotels  • Car Rental  • Cruises  • Vacation Packages and more!
                                  Our online merchandise features over 4,000 name-brand items.
                                  To get all the details and sign up for R-dent Rewards, go to
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