Page 10 - RDCat-18-E
P. 10
Patient Specific
Milled Bar Options
Doctor - 1st Appointment: Take fixture level
Lab (5 days): Fabricate verification index, custom
tray, soft-tissue model and wax rims
Doctor - 2nd Appointment: Try-in verifica-
tion index and make interocclusal records (take
master impression if needed) $3000
Lab (3 days): Articulate casts and set teeth for
patient approval
Doctor - 3rd Appointment: Verify set-up and
make adjustments
Lab (15 days): CAD design approved and mill bar,
and finish denture
Doctor - 4th Appointment: Final delivery
Procera Implant Bar Overdenture complete range of fixed and removable solutions.
Need a special implant tool?
Don’t invest in tools you hardly ever use... R-dent has a large stock
of implant tools in stock and available at no charge to loan to any
doctor restoring an implant case at R-dent.