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Full arch rehabilitation
utilizing dental implants* ®
The All-On-4 Treatment Concept was developed to provide
edentulous patients with an efficient and effective restoration
using only four implants to support an immediately loaded
full-arch prosthesis.
All-On-4 was developed to help patients with severely resorbed and R·dent Prefers
atrophic maxillas and mandibles requiring serious grafting procedures NobelProcera
and long term dental treatment. It allows us to get a patient back to full Milled Bars
dental health in a shorter treatment time with less than half the average
cost of more extensive procedures. All-On-4 Treatment not only
gives practitioners a process directed at those marginal patients, but
allows for a full smile reconstruct in only one day!
In the All-On-4 procedure, the distal implants are tilted at an angle
to create a greater anterior/posterior spread. These tilted implants The natural looking prosthesis is designed to
are corrected by adding angled Multi Unit abutments that bring all unique All-On-4 specifications that have
metal reinforcement, and provides a rigid
four implants to a completely parallel restorative platform that allows fixation and stabilization of the implants.
us to have all of our teeth on four implants. When the denture is This allows the implant to be fitted immediately
screwed on, the screws are all placed normally, because the as the permanent restoration.
angulation all occurs under the surface of the tissue.
Key Features
• Stability even in minimum bone volume
• Requires minimal recovery time R·dent Removable Department Technical &
• Good clinical results Clinical Manager, Gil Guardiola, is highly trained
• Eliminates the need for bone grafting, in most cases and certified for the All-on-4 immediate load
• Restores the ability to eat all types of foods chairside retrofit and is available to be at your
• Relieves the frustrations of removable appliances practice to assist with this procedure. Contact
• Ensures long-term results with the potential R·dent for Gil’s availability and cost.
to last a lifetime
• Renews a youthful appearance through bone
level stabilization All-On-4 patients have the ability
• Creates a whole new smile in just one day to 'test drive' the esthetics of the
• Enhances self-confidence and overall quality of life teeth during the healing phase
and the esthetics can be changed
for the permanent prosthesis for
more pleasing results.
*Even though called All-On-4, many of these cases have actually
12 ended by being 5 and in some cases 6 abutments.