Page 101 - Microsoft Word - WHS Course Guide 19-20
P. 101

     DIGITAL ELECTRONICS                                        INDEPENDENT STUDIES
     Course ID:   TEE2071-2072                                  Course ID:    VARIES WITH AREA
     Prerequisite:   Concurrent enrollment in Adv. Alg. or      Prerequisite:   Related Course Completion (C- or higher)
                  Equivalent/higher math course AND             Credit:       1/2 (Semester 1 and/or 2)
                  Geometry (C or better)                        Grades:       10-12
     Credit:      1.0 (Semester 1 and 2)                        Description: To qualify, a student must have completed all courses
     Grades:      10-12                                         offered in that area and have earned a C- or better. A student must
     Description: Digital Electronics (DE) is a high school level course that is   create  a  written  independent  study  contract  with  the  instructor
     appropriate for 10th grade, or higher, students who are interested in   teaching the class before signing up for any of the Independent Lab
     design  and  engineering.  From  smart  phones  to  appliances,  digital   courses. This class is only available during the instructor’s regularly
     circuits  are  all  around  us.  This  course  provides  a  foundation  for   scheduled  classes.  The  course  is  an  independent  study  program,
     students who are interested in electrical engineering, electronics, or   which is designed by the instructor with the help of the student. The
     circuit  design.  Students  study  topics  such  as  combinational  and   student will increase his/her own knowledge and skills in the area of
     sequential  logic  and  are  exposed  to  circuit  design  tools  used  in   their choice. The courses are offered in the following areas: CNC,
     industry, including logic gates, integrated circuits, and programmable   construction,  design/drafting,  energy  power  and  transportation,
     logic  devices.  Digital  Electronics  gives  students  the  opportunity  to   graphic arts, yearbook, manufacturing, leadership and professional
     develop skills and understanding of course concepts through activity,   development in technology.
     project-,  and  problem-based  learning.  It  also  allows students  to
     develop strategies to enable and direct their own learning, which is   INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING DESIGN
     the ultimate goal of education. Students who successfully complete   Course ID:   TEE1011-1012
     semesters  1  &  2  may  be  eligible  to  receive  technical college  or   Prerequisite:   Concurrent enrollment in grade-level
     university credit for this course. Credit award, if any, is determined by         math course
     each university or technical college.                      Credit:       1.0 (Semester 1 and 2)
                                                                Grades:       9-12
     ENGINEERING DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT                           Description: Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) is a high school
     Course ID:   TEE4011-4012                                  level course that is appropriate for 9th or 10th grade students who
     Prerequisite:   4 Semesters of PLTW Courses &              are interested in design and engineering. The major focus of the IED
                  Instructor Consent                            course  is  to expose  students  to  design  process,  research  and
     Credit:      1.0 (Semester 1 and 2)                        analysis,  teamwork,  communication  methods,  global and  human
     Grades:      12                                            impacts, engineering standards, and technical documentation. IED
     Description: Students taking EDD must have successfully completed 4   gives students the opportunity to develop skills and understanding
     semesters of the Project Lead the Way basic courses (IED, POE &/or   of course concepts through activity-, project-, and problem-based
     DE) OR successfully completed both IDEA and Big IDEA with a letter   learning. It also allows students to develop strategies to enable and
     grade of B or better to be eligible to take this course. This course is a   direct their own learning, which is the ultimate goal of education.
     senior design course and is run much like an independent study in   Students who successfully complete semesters 1 & 2 may be eligible
     which a team of 2-3 students complete the entire engineering design   to receive technical college or university credit for this course. Credit
     process from problem identification to solution of that problem. This   awarded,  if  any,  is determined  by  each  university  or  technical
     may be a brand new invention or an innovation on a current product.   college.
     Students will research, design, and build a real life prototype of their
     new product. Students are required to be entered into the state PLTW   INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL TECH
     design competition and give a product presentation at the end of the   Course ID:   TEE1021 AND/OR TEE1032
     year  to  successfully  complete  this  course.  Units  of  Study  include:   Prerequisite:   None
     Problem  Identification,  Research,  Decision  Process,  Design,  Build,   Credit:     1/2 or 1.0 (Semester 1 and/or 2)
     Test, and Presentation.                                    Grades:       9-12
                                                                Description: This course is recommended as an introduction to various
     IDEA (INNOVATION, DESIGN, ENGINEERING &                    technological career paths and as a beginning class for anyone looking

     ART)                                                       to explore what our technological world has to offer. Semester one will
                                                                focus  on  Construction,  Architecture,  AV  Technology,  and
     Course ID:   TEE1041 OR TEE1042                            Communication.  Semester  two  will  focus  on  Manufacturing,
     Prerequisite:   $25 Supply Fee                             Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics. Both courses can be taken
     Credit:      1/2 (Semester 1 or 2)                         together  or  as  individual  semesters.  Industrial  Technology  takes
     Grades:      9-12                                          students on a brief overview of technology trends and related careers.
     Description: Do you want to use state-of-the-art equipment to design,   Through hands-on and problem-solving based projects students will
     build, and test almost anything you can dream of? Would you like to   have the chance to explore what emerging careers in technology might
     develop  the  technological,  problem-solving,  and  hands-on  skills   offer.  Students  will  be  working  with  their  hands  while  solving
     desired by employers? If your answer is yes, then this course is for you.   interesting  problems  and  using  their  creativity  on  a  daily  basis  to
     In  IDEA,  computer-controlled  fabrication  technologies  such  as  3D   explore  many  different  emerging  careers.  Students  may  enroll  in
     printers, CNC routers, vinyl cutters, and milling machines will be used   either semester 1, semester 2, or both, and in any order. Units of
     to  transform  a  product  idea  into  its  tangible  form.  Students  will   Study include: Semester  1: Lab  Safety,  Construction, Woodworking,
     explore  many  interrelated  career  fields,  including  engineering,   Engineering,  3D  Drafting  and  Design,  Problem  Solving,  Publication
     science, math, art, graphic design, computer aided design, electronics,   Design,  and  Graphic  Design  Semester  2:  Air,  Land,  Sea  and  Space
     and entrepreneurship.                                      Transportation; Metal Working/Design; Research and Development;
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