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P. 97

    LAW                                                         US HISTORY
    Course ID:    SST4012                                       Course ID:    SST2011-2012
    Prerequisite:   World History and US History/AP US History    Prerequisite:   World History
    Credit:       1/2 (Semester 2)                              Credit:       1.0 (Semester 1 and 2)
    Grades:       12                                            Grades:       10
    Description:  Prepares  students  for  some  of  the  practical  legal   Description: US History traces the development of the United States
    situations  that  they  will  face  from  the  time  they  graduate  through   from the period of European exploration through the 20th Century.
    adulthood. Topics include personal finance, contract, and consumer   It considers the problems involved in setting up a state sufficiently
    law, introductory Constitutional law (including the US court system),   rigid to withstand changing conditions as well as sufficiently flexible
    civil law, criminal law, and family law. Students will analyze and apply   to  cope  with  structural  changes  in  American  society.  The  course
    concepts  to  a  variety  of  legal  situations,  and  relate  legal  topics  to   emphasizes  the  importance  of  the  individual  today  in  relation  to
    current situations in the US. Deliberation and communication skills will   other members of society, in regard to his/her role in government,
    also be key foci of this course.                            and in helping to formulate government policy.

    MODERN GLOBAL STUDIES                                       WORLD HISTORY
    Course ID:    SST2061                                       Course ID:    SST1011-1012
    *2019-20 School Year Offering (Alternating Years)           Prerequisite:   None
    Prerequisite:   None                                        Credit:       1.0 (Semester 1 and 2)
    Credit:       1/2 (Semester 1)                              Grades:       9
    Grades:       10-12                                         Description: This is a required class for freshmen. The emphasis is on
    Description:  Students  will  investigate  current  situations  facing  our   the establishment of civilizations and empires throughout the world.
    world  and  evaluate  their  causes  and  options  for  resolution.  This   We will study early civilizations in Africa, Asia, the America’s, India,
    course addresses aspects of political science and will have intensive   Middle East, and Europe during first semester. Second semester will
    readings and research.                                      have a greater focus on  European civilizations, and historical time
                                                                frames of the medieval world, Renaissance and Reformation.
    Course ID:    SST3011
    Prerequisite:   US History or AP US History
    Credit:       1/2 (Semester 1)
    Grades:       11-12
    Description:  Social  Problems  studies  the  issues  people  face  when
    interacting  with  and  living  amongst  one  another.  Studying  Social
    Problems  will  give  insight  into  how  sociologists  study  and  make
    conclusions about society and how people function within society.
    Social  Problems  also  equips  students  with  the  skills  to  make
    important decisions about issues that are currently facing the United
    States.  Topics  include  basic  sociology,  poverty,  racial  and  gender
    inequality, crime, and drug abuse.

    Course ID:    SST3071 OR SST3072
    Prerequisite:   Issues in Psychology or AP Psychology
    Credit:       1/2 (Semester 1 or 2)
    Grades:       11-12
    Description: This unique course will provide students with knowledge
    about psychological factors that affect human performance in sports,
    exercise,  and  optimizing  human  performance  in  other  aspects  of
    students’ lives (i.e., work, music, and school).  The goal of this course
    is  to  not  only  teach  but  have  students  apply  psychological
    scientifically  rooted  mental  skills  and  training  techniques  that  will
    enhance and optimize their performance.  This course will address
    the interactions between psychology and performance in the three
    areas of sports, exercise, and performance psychology which focuses
    on  other  professions  that  demand  excellence  in  psycho  motor
    performance  (i.e.,  performing  arts,  surgery,  firefighting,  law
    enforcement,  military  operations,  etc.)  and  applying  the  same
    underlying psychological skills training as sports and exercise.
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